A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

EF - A3064934 - Half Man Half Biscuit - The Band

Post 1

Number Six

Hello - someone's posted a suggested small update to footnote 4 here:

Thought you might like to know.

smiley - mod

EF - A3064934 - Half Man Half Biscuit - The Band

Post 2

Number Six

Oh, and on a second re-reading, I spotted a spelling mistake:

Borussia Moenchengladbach should be single 'r' double 's' smiley - ok

smiley - modsmiley - footballsmiley - geek

EF - A3064934 - Half Man Half Biscuit - The Band

Post 3


Thank you very much! Changed now - sorry for delay! smiley - mod

Ahhh I love that band...

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EF - A3064934 - Half Man Half Biscuit - The Band

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