This is the Message Centre for ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Hello ZOE....

Post 1


...and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I am Crescent, one of a roaming band of Assistant Community Editors (or ACE's) just stopping by to say hi, and to see if there are any good deeds that need doing smiley - smiley We are also the first line of support for the site smiley - smiley So if you have any problems with, or questions about, the site, then we are here to help smiley - smiley Click 'reply' below and tell me all about it smiley - smiley We shall then see what can be done smiley - smiley You say that the original changed your life, well here you get to add to the very Guide itself smiley - smiley Look forward to reading any Articles you write (if you do write any smiley - smiley But for now I have got to dash - work actually expecting me to work, can you believe that smiley - smiley Well, I will return, so until later......
BCNU - Crescent

Hello ZOE....

Post 2

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Hi Cres,

Tnx for the hello

Y'll devinately be seeing me a lot.

As for the working....

My division just closed down, at the mo noboddy knows what I must do, including me, myself and I.


I'l be hangeng round!

Hello ZOE....

Post 3


It is good that you will be sticking around smiley - smiley, but h2g2 is very addictive (especially getting Articles into the Approved Guide - see the Ben Nevis one on the front page now (07/07/2000) or at - it is one of mine, woohoo smiley - smiley Even if you do not want to write there is lots and lots to do. Many different clubs, The Untiversity of Life will be coming onstream soon, you can volunteer to help out TPTB by becoming an ACE or a Sub-Ed smiley - smiley loadsa different things smiley - smiley Well, got to go again, work demanding that I do stuff again smiley - sadface Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello ZOE....

Post 4

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Crescent, how do I volunteer and what is the prerecusites to become an ACE

Hello ZOE....

Post 5


The prerequisits?..........hmmm, well you have got to be able to go around saying hello to the new arrivals in the community, at least some of the time smiley - smiley Some of the more recent ACE's were doing that long before they became ACE's. It can be helpful to know a bit about the site, and some of us have tech support skills (tho' they are in NO way a must have), most have good converstional skills (tho' mine are not so good).
Once you feel confident then you go to and ask Peta (the Community Editor) to become an ACE. I am not sure when they are taking on the next batch of ACE's or how many people are already clamouring to become one, but I will see if I can find out smiley - smiley
Once you have applied then just start going around the site, find the bits you like, pop into some of the clubs, talk to people (virtually all are friendly, hardly anyone bites - and if they do just tell them 'NO!' smiley - smiley Once you are comfortable here, get a 'Who's Online' onto your homepage, and remember that you do not have to be an ACE to say hello to people smiley - smiley
TPTB are also going to create a new position soon, a Scout - to help find the gems in h2g2, help the members of The University of Life find like minds to help out with their Research Projects etc. Though that will be announced soon smiley - smiley Well, I hope this helps a bit smiley - smiley and if you need anything else then just yell smiley - smiley I will bring my meagre powers to see what we can do smiley - smiley Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello ZOE....

Post 6

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Hi Crescent

I liked your article.

Watch out, I’m working on a few, I will let you know when I’m finished.

Thanx again for all your help and support, it is much appreciated

Hello ZOE....

Post 7


Anytime smiley - smiley If you need anything else, just yell smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello ZOE....

Post 8

Omicron - Master of Hyperspace and Chanter of arcane superstring equations

Greetings and salutations from hyperspace, Zoe! I'm Omicron, another of the Aces(yes, just like Crescent) with a few differences, of course. For instance, I have a bad habit of chanting equations describing ten dimensional vibrating strings, and retreating into higher dimensions every now and then. Anyway, just popped by to say Hello...don't worry, you'll meet people a lot weirder than me out here!

Hello ZOE....

Post 9

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Hi Omicron

Nice of you to drop by.

I'f met a couple wacko's in my life.

In fact a few of my other personalities are'nt at all well.

see ya around.

Hello ZOE....

Post 10

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Hi Omicron

Nice of you to drop by.

I'f met a couple wacko's in my life.

In fact a few of my other personalities are'nt at all well.

see ya around.

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