A Conversation for h2g2 Autumn London meet 2006! 21st October.

Afternoon activity thread

Post 21

Researcher U1025853

The coffee and cheese shop will be there on Friday, some of the stalls won't be, but most of the good stuff will be. It seems to shut at 4/5 on Fridays, so if thats a good time for a Friday thing, then cool.

Afternoon activity thread

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - droolsmiley - hotdogsmiley - porkpie

Afternoon activity thread

Post 23

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Well, it seems quiet here, with little input, so unsure as to what activity to choose. Also without a date (I thought the cut-off was the 6th August?) I am unsure whether I can get time off.



I am happy with any ideas. I just thought it would be useful for a London resident to provide options.

smiley - ta

smiley - musicalnote

Afternoon activity thread

Post 24

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Dear Kaz,

Is Borough Market accessible to wheelchairs? And St. James Park as well?

I will fit in with other plans but if the two are OK for W/c. then I will place

1. Borough Market
2. St.James Park
3. Kew

Suggest we all do this and then our poor convenor can decide.

All are lovely ideas

Christianesmiley - schooloffish

Afternoon activity thread

Post 25


Seems the date is saturday 21st october smiley - ok

Kew seems to be winning at the mo

Afternoon activity thread

Post 26

Researcher U1025853

Hi Also Ran1

You can get to Borough Market but I wonder whether it would be pleasent for you, its very crowded indeed. You could always sit at the wonderful coffee place or in the Cathedral grounds and let others get stuff for you. Or give it a go and be prepared to be bolshy, we would come and help. We would get round it one way or another, it would help if it was dry though.

St James Park, is very accessible for wheelchairs.

Kew is also very accessible, in fact apart from the old Victorian gladd houses, it has been made to be accessible. I think most are going to Kew, but if anyone is ever around on another day and wants a tour around Borough Market or St James Park, do let me know, I love both areas and would be very happy to show them off.

Afternoon activity thread

Post 27

Researcher U1025853

Oh and I am not sure about Borough Market loos, I goto ones in the cathedral, which you need to get up a few steps for. I think they have a disabled loo once you can get in there. I will find out when I next go, but it may not be for a few weeks.

Afternoon activity thread

Post 28

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Dear Kaz,

Sorry I have just come across this thread.

One nice day it would be super to meet you a borough Market. Perhaps after me meet at Kew - if you are going there!/

ZSF has my telephone number as has Websailor. So we could speak to one another.

obviously it would be better if it was a fine day.11

Bye for now.

Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Afternoon activity thread

Post 29

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - ok

The votes so far, with first (3 points), second choice (2 points) and third choice (1 point) included.

Kew Gardens:

Serephina 1st.
Gnomon + 1 1st.
Zarquon + 1 2nd.
AR1 2nd.
Azahoth 3rd

= 11 points

London Wetland Centre:

Gnomon + 1 1st.
No More Pigtails 1st.
Zarqoun + 1.Skankyrich 1st.
Skankyrich 1st.
AR1 + 1 1st.
Azahoth 2nd.
Rains 1st.
Evadne Cake 1st.

= 23 points.

Tate Modern:

ReddyFreedy 1st.
Azahoth 1st.
Evadne Cake 3rd.

= 7 points...

So I have:

Wetlands as First Choice at 23 points.
Kew Gardens as Second Choice at 11 points and
Tate Modern as Third Choice at 7 points.

Please advise on inaccuracies, changes, variations or add-ons please.



smiley - musicalnote

Afternoon activity thread

Post 30

Researcher U1025853

Might it be worth comparing the prices of the three as well?

Afternoon activity thread

Post 31

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - ok

Kew Gardens £11:75
London Wetland Centre £7:25
Tate Modern Free.

smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Afternoon activity thread

Post 32

Researcher U1025853

Hi Christiane
the market closes around 4-5pm so it would be quite a rush to get there from Kew.

BTW we walked from London Bridge to Victoria yesterday via Borough Market, Fleet Street/Brides Church (the steeple that the tiered cake is based on) Covant Garden, Neals Yard and Piccadilly. Loads of great architecture and history around Fleet Street. We went to the Japanese cake shop again, as seen here http://www.kitchoan.com/E/index.html, their products are very nice and so much better than the cakes from Wing Yip.

Afternoon activity thread

Post 33

Researcher U1025853

Sodding page, try this one http://www.kitchoan.com and click on English and then you can choose London and products etc. They need to learn how to use frames again!

Afternoon activity thread

Post 34

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - book

Shall update list this week.

smiley - ok

smiley - musicalnote

Afternoon activity thread

Post 35

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi dear Kaz,

I think I shall only be able to cope with one thing at a time!1 So that it will have to be either the Borough Market OR KEW. The walk which you describe sounds quite marvellous. It would be wonderful if I could hire an electric wheelchair for the afternoon. I wonder if that is possible?

I am looking forward to it - providing I do not get myself "blocked" again - which has happened again in the last forty minutes!!It really mystifies me. Thank goodness I remembered the secret answer!


Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Afternoon activity thread

Post 36

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I've brushed up on my poor Maths O-level, and checked and double checked the Afternoon Meet Threads,and hope I have created the definitive Meet list, and please if there are any errors, tell me. I am almost Human, you know smiley - winkeye

Tate Modern.
ReddyFreddy - 1st choice - 3 Points
Cal Bratchy - 1st choice - 3 Points
Evadne Cake - 1st choice - 3 Points

Total - 9 Points

London Wetland Centre.
Azahoth - 2nd choice - 2 Points
Also Ran 1 - 1st choice - 3 Points
Sometimes Pigtails - Slave To Love - 1st choice - 3 Points
Skankyrich - 1st choice - 3 Points
Zarquon Fish + 1 - 1st choice - 3 Points
Cal Brathy - 2nd choice - 2 Points
Evadne Cake - 2nd choice - 2 Points
Rains - 1st choice - 3 Points

Total - 21 Points

Kew Gardens
Serephina - 1st choice - 3 Points
Also Ran 1 - 2nd choice - 2 Points
Gnomon + 1 - 1st choice - 3 Points
Zarquon + 1 - 2nd choice - 2 Points
Evadne Cake - 3rd choice - 3 Points

Total - 13 Points.

So that is Wetlands 1st place (so far) with 21 Points
Kew Gardens in 2nd place with 13 Points
Tate Modern in 3rd place with 9 Points.

I am staying out of the Voting unless there is a tie, in which case I may use the casting vote.

Please encourage others, if they want to attend an afternoon event.

Thanks, and apologies for any previous confusion with the votes.

*Puts on School Uniform and smiley - runs off*

smiley - musicalnote

Afternoon activity thread

Post 37

London Spring-Summer meet 2011- A79731967

Just a quick advert; discussion of the evening venue over at : F1988438?thread=3533085

Afternoon activity thread

Post 38


Just to let you know Ged n I won't be coming to the afternoon as have other plans

Afternoon activity thread

Post 39

London Spring-Summer meet 2011- A79731967

Main meet page: A13222847 , updated with details of the evening event location (Shakespeares head, Africa House, Holborn), and of the afternoon event at the wetlands centre smiley - cool

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