A Conversation for Where Do Babies Come From?
The Book
eightysevendays Started conversation Jul 19, 2006
When I was about seven, my parents simply led me into the living room, gave me a book, told me to read it, and left. In retrospect they were probably a little embarrassed to talk about it with me, especially since as a little kid I tended to ask many, many embarrassing questions.
Another interesting fact: the book had color pictures, and very detailed explanations and analogies, such as my favorite: "Sex is like jumping rope. You can't keep it up for very long because you get tired." But what if you're in shape?
The Book
Cardi Posted Jul 20, 2006
Hmmm I think I read the same book, I got given it at primary school as a follow thing to the sex ed classes...I seem to remember thinking the same thing!
The Book
Brown Eyed Girl Posted Jul 21, 2006
We had a book called the body book, given to my elder bro0ther when he was about 8, which I promptly stole, age 6 and read on my own, giggling at the naked cartoon people.
The Book
Researcher 1214535 Posted Jul 21, 2006
I bought a book for my daughters called "Mummy Laid an Egg". It was full of funny illustrations and went thru all the stupid things parents tell their kids about where babies come from. Then it told them pretty simply what Really Happens.
It didn't go into too much detail, but we looked at it together and it prompted all kinds of questions from both of them (the eldest was about 7 and the youngest about 4 at the time)
I have to say that the eldest one was quite disgusted by the whole idea . The youngest was too young really, but we took the view that what was the point of telling one of them and not the other? We treated it like any other part of life, didn't make a big deal out of it and they seemed to take it all in their stride.
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The Book
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