A Conversation for Pink Floyd - the Band


Post 1

Clarence, Lord Emsworth

There are rumours on the Steven Wright show on Radio 4 that Waters/Pink Floyd will reunite for a one off ´charity gig in the close future.

I give you this info with no sources confirming it. We've heard it before..


Post 2

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

One off gig? They should get together permenantly. Are they so rich that they just can't be bothered anymore? What does David Gilmour do all day? Waters was a fantastic lyicist. I think it was the rest of the band that made the actual Pink Floyd sound.

Anyway, this article could do with been expanded into a more complete history of Pink Floyd, with more on each album.


Post 3

Clarence, Lord Emsworth

Dave spends time in his houseboat studio on the Thames, but he also has a very young son, so I think he prefers spending his time with his family.

Nick bumped into Roger on an Island somewhere where they both enjoyed a bit of vacation, and a few weeks later Roger called Nick and asked him if he would like to appear on one of his shows. So he did. Standing ovations.


Post 4

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Yeah I read about that. Nick enjoyed the first night so much, he came back the next day.

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