This is the Message Centre for Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I am now an Angel

Post 1

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I am now ofically an angel and as I suspected I look adorabel in wings.

I am now an Angel

Post 2

Fashion Cat

smiley - smiley

those wings so suit you!

*brownie and beer*??

hey! you've probably heard about the GA forum on egroups. the thing is it's invitation only, and I'm collecting email addys to make life a little easier on Zax and the newly arched angels. can you email me at [email protected] just telling me you're h2g2 name and I'll forward it to Zax so you can join us in our more secluded forum.....

mail soon!


I am now an Angel

Post 3


Allo Angel,does this mean u can tell me what's happenin with
my posts lately?...Every time I post summat,I get an error msg,
altho the preview's OK.
ps I think it's posted anyway,even with the error...u kno?
If it aint u won't get this...

I am now an Angel

Post 4

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Tes it does post but I have no idea what the error thing is all about I will look it upand get back to you asap

I am now an Angel

Post 5

Fashion Cat

that happened to me a few times.... what I do is I press the button, wait for it to come up with the error message, then copy the post (just so i dont lose it) then press back button and refresh. If its posted it'll show on the updated page (otherwise i try and resend it)

hope that helps, its not a great solution, but i find it works...

smiley - smiley

I am now an Angel

Post 6

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Thabks that had really got me stuck lucally nothing like that happens to me.

I am now an Angel

Post 7

Fashion Cat

no probs! anything like that I ususally go to Zax, then to bruce if nec. 9 times out of ten that sorts it... smiley - smiley

I am now an Angel

Post 8


I tried that before & found that I'd duplicated the post...
My browser likes to show me the cached version,& that's not updated
yet,so it's a pain really....

I am now an Angel

Post 9

Archangel Zax

hey amigo! thought i'd pop in and give MY two cents!

well, thie biggest question is what your error message reads. if it is the yellow alert msg, no worries, that just means that it's in the queue to be uploaded to the servers. have patience, and just hit the ok button and wait. if nothing happens for a REALLY long time, then refresh your screen and all's well.

there are a few other errors you can get, so let us know which one it is.

as far as your computer showing you cached versions, there's a cure for that if you're using internet explorer. there's also one for netscape, but as i don't use it anymore, i forget how it works.
anyway, for ie, all you do is go up to "view" then select "internet options".
under 'temporary internet files' there are two buttons. one says 'delete files' and the other says 'settings'.

choose delete files first. this will clear out all of the previously saved backlog you'r computer has stored, so you can start fresh.
next, choose 'settings'.
the very first setting is 'check for newer versions of stored pages'
and the options are
-- every visit to the page
-- every time you start internet explorer
-- never

select the first one.

if you're sure to hit the 'ok' button at the bottom, and the 'apply' button on the next one, then you should be all set, and only seeing the newest version of the page each time you refresh.

one quick point on that.. even if your message DID go thru to the server, it won't show up until it gets updated! if there are many users posting to the servers at the same time, the queue can get very long, and posts can take forever to go thru. refresh at least 2 minutes later to be sure it didn't register!

good luck, and
smiley - winkeye
The Archangel Zax*

*making the Rounds

I am now an Angel

Post 10


Cheers,Zax,I'll tell u the error msg in a minute....

I am now an Angel

Post 11


Cheers,Zax,I'll tell u the error msg in a minute....
Yep,it says "Your request did not contain a recognised command.Check
URL and try again."
Ta for all the info,btw,sorry it's all wasted on me as I am running
IBROWSE on my Amiga....Anyway,I like to browse my cache offline,so I
don't purge it too often....

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