This is the Message Centre for Decaf Silicon

Hi there, 3,1415...

Post 1


Welcome to H2G2 smiley - smiley

My name's Bistroist and I'm one of the Guide's Assistant Community Editors (ACE's). We're a bunch of volunteers who roam this place trying to be as nice and helpful as possible, and meet and greet as many newcomers as we can.
If there's something you need help with, or just want a few links to some of the cool places in here, I suggest you visit our common homepage.

You've got some interesting ideas about collaborating on entries on geographic areas, this has already been tried via "Calls for Entries" such as the one on Manchester: -Many researchers contributed their chunks of knowledge and expertise, and then an editor put it all together into an entry.

I'm not sure if you know this already, but there's a welcoming message to all newcomers over here

Other questions you'd might like to ask? Try the "ask H2G2" and "How do I..."-forums and

btw. In case you haven't noticed, the "Don't Panic" button in the top menu bar links to an occasionally useful help section.

Don't worry if you don't understand any of this, just stick this in your ear smiley - fish

Hi there, 3.141592653589793238462643

Post 2

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Only four digits, Bistroist? smiley - winkeye

Hi Pi! Glad you found the goo OK smiley - smiley
I like your ideas. I spent some time in New York (city and upstate), but don't know Western NY very well.

I have submitted my home town -- Normal,Illinois,USA -- which apparently is in the final stages of editing/approval now since I have lost control over it.

Good luck, and have fun.


Hi there, 3.141592653589793238462643

Post 3


Well, I guess I *could* write the whole number with all the digits calculated so far, but we wouldn't want the servers to crash (yet again), do we now? smiley - tongueout

I've thought about contributing a bit on my own hometown, as it must be one of the most boring and most desolate cities in this end of the galaxy. Approx. 30-40 inhabitants in a small town in the south-western part on the largest on the Danish isles. Does that sound as much as vaguely interesting to you?

Let's see. I'm 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971, if I remember correctly.

Post 4

Decaf Silicon

Forty digits, and I'm still working on it.

Yes, a town w/ under 100 people sounds quite interesting. Give a bit of history. Note the best reason for someone to bother showing up there. Give the best reason not to show up. How's the dining? the architecture? the people? the entertainment? the post office? Is there a library, a bookstore, a bank? What's the average income? What's the nearest large city? Can someone stay in your town at a cheap motel and commute to the more expensive regions on holiday?

I hope to find time to fill this in about my own town, as well as several towns I'll be visiting. If I didn't already say so, a friend and I will bike around this leg of NY for a few months, probably split into weekend excursions.

Thanks for all the input.

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