A Conversation for VeggieTales

A373880 - VeggieTales

Post 1


I had already put this article into the submissions queue under the old system, but it'd be really nice to have some peer feedback before the subs see it.


A373880 - VeggieTales

Post 2


I should add that I'd especially like help in any "Britishisation" that needs to be done to my entry.

A373880 - VeggieTales

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Let's just say that this one *has* made it to the subs, and therefore the said subs would appreciate it if any comments or suggestions regarding this article be posted to the article rather than to the peer review page.



Post 4

Jimi X

So that's the end of this one....

smiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 5

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'VeggieTales'.

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