A Conversation for VeggieTales


Post 1

An Unfortunate American Girl

i searched for veggietales, expecting to find nothing. i don't know why i did. i just did. i have seen two episodes of this show and i really think it was not created for kids. i mean, it is just too funny. silly songs with larry is definetly my favorite part. i could sing you the entire cheeseburger song, but i think it best to spare you.

For adults?

Post 2


I agree; the show was created with adults in mind. It's my opinion that all of the best kid's shows are. Sesame Street is a good example of a show that adults enjoy too; Barney is not. I think kids enjoy these shows more because they can see their parents are truly enjoying them too.

Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Tal como montequilla en un chango pelon.

For adults?

Post 3

An Unfortunate American Girl

"why do you need a hairbrush, you don't have any hair!!"

"well, sorry, but i gave it to the peach, cause he's got hair"

having heard his lament, the peach enters the scene. himself in a towel, both larry and the peach are shocked and slightly embrassed at the sigh of each other. but recognizing larry's generosity the peach is thankful. "thanks for the hairbrush." yes, good has been done here. the peach exits the scene. larry smiles, but still feeling an emotional attachment for the hairbrush calls out "take care of my hairbrush. take care oh my hairbrush. take care take care don't dare not care take care nice hair no fair take care take caaaaaare of my hairbrush". the end.

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