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Life, the Universe and Ashnak...

Post 1


Wednesday 21 June 2000.

Added more to my warhammer stuff on the web. Thankfully I managed to get into town without getting half the ocean dropped on my head, a rare occurrence over the past few days.

Unfortunately, still no job vacancies that I'm qualified for or young enough for round here (Most seem to be for tradespeople or juniors). While there are jobs here, it seems to be whether you're in the right place at the right time, just blind luck, being as important as how good you'd be at the job which determines if you get anything.

Watched someone almost get knocked out by an intercontinental ballistic pool ball in the In Town Lunch Centre. The ball must have flown about 7-8 feet about 5 and a half feet above the ground before hitting a chair, missing the head of the girl standing next to it by only a few inches! The offender went on to make several more airborne shots over the course of the game and then lose. Poetic justice really.

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