A Conversation for Book of Shadows

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 1


You wrote a pretty concise, brief overview of a typical BOS for witches and covens -- good job!smiley - ok
One minor correction, tho' ... Sabbats are seasonal celebrations, based on the Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter days (8 total), and Esbats are Full-Moon observances.

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 2


Thanks smiley - cheers

I've only been practising a couple of years so please forgive mistakes in terms smiley - winkeye

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 3


just re read my entry, and i think i was just trying to explain things simply for non witches as their is already a guide somewherew on all the celebrations smiley - ok

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 4


Hi, I just wanted to write something about your piece, I have not analysed it too deeply and reading it as a lay person thought it really well written. I especially loved the part about a record of a persons' individual spiritual journey, that in itself is food for thought and maybe if more people actually created a record of their spiritual journey in life they may focus on less materialistic things more often. Well done smiley - biggrin

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 5


Thankyou smiley - biggrin

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 6


You're welcome, keep up the good work! I'm not a Wiccan myself but am a novice medium so can see where you were coming from, I'll keep my eye out for other interesting pieces like this.

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 7

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - applause

Love this entry Serephina, you have described what it the Book is about in lay terms and have also crysalised(sp?) my belief! Well done, babes smiley - biggrin

And I still think you're very lucky! smiley - winkeye

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 8


Thank you smiley - blush

smiley - cheers

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 9


"the witch may also keep her own book."

Or his own book. Maybe it's too late to change that now, or perhaps a male witch is called by another name??
Good reading though. You included Gardnerian history too, not many people do smiley - ok

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 10


As far as I'm aware Gardenarian Wicca is the most commonly heard of by non wiccans. I've also got an entry in review at present on Doreen Valiente who was Gardners high priestess.

Sorry about saying 'her' i really should have said or his as yes witches can be male too and are still called as such.

Book Of Shadows - not bad!

Post 11


I agree,smiley - ok this is a solid (if brief) explanation of a BoS to the layman.smiley - smiley

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