This is the Message Centre for Micheal Jay Mole

Ah another one got past the guards

Post 1

Bald Bloke

Now that you have found the hidden key combination to get get in smiley - smiley

I'm sure one of the aces (h2g2's meeters and greeters) will pop round and see you soon
But in the mean time as your new you might want to have a look at the newcomers page
and maybe say Hi in the forums

The best way I have found to get to know this place is to click on other researchers names (which takes you to their home page) and see where they have been going and contributing to.

Remember if its coloured its probably a link

Bald Bloke

Ah another one got past the guards

Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hi, I see you managed everything in the end. I'm usually in the Forum and Firkin. Take the link from my page (which I have just rewritten).

Amy smiley - smiley

Ah another one got past the guards

Post 3

Micheal Jay Mole

Ah Amy, you know I couldn't find my way around a circular room! Forum
and Firkin? Couldn't find it. And, gee, I can't get my page to look
as good as yours. I got the "goo" page and tried to change it to "alabaster" so far without success. However, I have discovered it takes some time for the changes to get through the system. The page
that said "Researcher Number Whatever.....has not ...": is that the Indroduction
page or the home page? If it's the Introduction page, well, I can't
seem to find my way back. I think when the change from "goo" to "alabaster" takes place my page will look like yours and I'll be able
to create a nicer page than I have now. We shall see. Well, now to turn my attention to 35 exams. Hmmm...? Just got an ICQ

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