This is the Message Centre for Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

gray hair

Post 1

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Yesterday I was combing my hair when I found a gray hair.
“OH MY GOD, I’M OLD!” , was my first thought followed closely by my second thought,
“Yank the sucker out and no one will ever know.”
Then I went through the denial phase,
“No, It’s not gray. It’s just the light bouncing off of it making it look that way.”
I then started over when I realized that it was not the light bouncing off of it.
“Yank the sucker out and no one will ever know.”

Now not being that vain, I pondered on getting older.
I am 26 now and for years people have been telling me that I look a lot younger then I am.
Years before they started saying that, people kept telling me that I act a lot older then I am.
Maybe its just my looks catching up with my persona?
How disheartening is it to look young younger than you are, and act older than you are?
(I must admit it is fun watching people try to guess my age)
Although I have never really worried about getting older this sudden appearance of a gray hair reminded me that I would not always have my youth. Actually I no longer have it, but until that moment I thought that getting “old” was a long way away.
I finally accepted the fact that sooner or later everyone gets older.
BTW. I left the gray hair where it was to prove to myself that I am not afraid of getting older. Besides guys with gray hair look distinguished. Right?

gray hair

Post 2


Carry it with pride, OK? I've had a grey, or actually white, hair (among a great many black ones) for a long time now, and I wouldn't dream of yanking it out. When there's ten, I'll start hiding them, but I think the first one is just fun!

What colour are the rest of your hairs?

gray hair

Post 3

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Well the hair on my head is brown with natural red highlights. Any other hair colour is privilaged information.

What the hell did I do to the first part of this journal entry?

gray hair

Post 4

Penny Pitstop

Hi there Zorpheus smiley - smiley

Of course grey hair makes you look distinguished, knowledgeable etc etc. Don't yank it out, I mean, you may start thinning next smiley - smiley


gray hair

Post 5

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Pleasure to meet you Penny.
You do have a point. So you know it is still sitting proudly on my head, although it is a little shorter now. I'm still waiting to see if any of friends of his show up.
Is it just a wise-tail that if you pull one gray hair out, three will replace it?

gray hair

Post 6

Penny Pitstop

I think thats something that only those that are thinning on top say smiley - winkeye

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