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White Chocolate Started conversation Jun 14, 2000
As a teenager, my first journal will be about the time honored idea of the yearbook. It's the end of the school year, and the yearbook is published. For those of you living in a hole (and I am not criticizing hole life. Holes are very versatile dwellings, except when the person 'dwelling' develops hole rot, a disease that...its not important) a yearbook is a big book created by a small group of people who photograph everything that goes on during the school year. It's got little captions, "Doing this, does this. People at often liked to do this." by the pictures, which generally make girls angry. They say things like, "I look fat in that picture" or, "My head looks abnormally small, almost as if I've developed a rare head disorder." Yearbooks for guys are only existant for one reason: signatures. The yearbook is really a tally for how popular you are. Friends, and sometimes enemies, will sign the students yearbook with quotes ranging from the usual, "Have a bitchin' summer" to the lengthy college theses quotes which generally begin like this: "Do you remember when..." The yearbook is a status symbol. Nothing makes a nerd feel good like when they open up their yearbook to a host of autographs, even if some of them say, "Who the hell are you, and why would I ever want to write in your yearbook? - Suck it" Yes, the yearbook is something that the high schooler should never pass up. I give this time-honored tradition five stars.
Bigita, the Woman Who Sold the World Posted Jul 20, 2000
I agree with you on every part but one. Autographs are just as much of a popularity contest for girls as it is for guys. At the end of this last school year, I went around getting as many people as possible to cuss me out in my yearbook, not only because the teachers told us not to use explicits in any yearbooks, but also because it is a sure way to get everyone's signature. Your friends will do it because you ask them to, your enemies will take pleasure in it, and anyone you don't know will jump at the opportunity to "live on the edge". And now I've got blackmail on just about everyone in the school (including myself).
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