A Conversation for ImageReady

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12326591 - ImageReady

Post 1

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Entry: ImageReady - A12326591
Author: Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, School ends Wibble,1 1/2 exams down, 5 1/2 to go, Going to a Roger Water - U3715074

Okay, I'm still writing this, I just wanted to submit it early just because if I'm going in to expand it anyway, I might as well edit it as I go.

Feel free to make comments on what little is there, or to write up a section on image maps or rollovers as I have never used any of these features so I have little knowledge on how to use them or what they're used for.

A12326591 - ImageReady

Post 2


smiley - book

smiley - lurk

In a week and a half. smiley - ta

A12326591 - ImageReady

Post 3

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Take your time, I know I am writing it.

A12326591 - ImageReady

Post 4


smiley - boing Still working on this Cosmic?

A12326591 - ImageReady

Post 5

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Nope, gonna delete it.

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