This is the Message Centre for Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Good first day on the forum

Post 21

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Ho hum. Sounds serious. Do you get to talk to these people? And what would you want to say to them if you could?

Good first day on the forum

Post 22


I don't get to talk to anyone, I just sit back, relax, and hear the results. Oh well, c'est la vie. We'll see what happens, whatever happens happens.
I don't think I get to play with lego, though. smiley - sadface
I think the old lego was the best, apart from the Star Wars lego, which I don't have any of.

Good first day on the forum

Post 23

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

No, the best lego is definitely Mindstorms ( Amy the Ant started out as a Mindstorms robot -- then she took over my life!

I hope this decision making panel hasn't come as a surprise. Are the other stakeholders in this (parents? girlfriend? friends) prepared for all eventualities? What's the worse that can happen tomorrow?

Good first day on the forum

Post 24


The worst that can happen is essentially I have to take extra exams. So, no real reason to panic totally just yet. We'll see what happens.

Good first day on the forum

Post 25

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Not so bad then. If it comes to that, would your tutor support an application for a break in your studies? Worth arguing for, especially if you didn't take a gap year before uni.

Good first day on the forum

Post 26


I didn't take a gap year, no, but I hadn't thought about asking about that. I guess we'll see what happens after the exams in August. But i don't want to spend all day talking about this smiley - winkeye

Good first day on the forum

Post 27

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Enjoy the rest of the day. The weather has perked up a bit (or at least it has here) so it will be a good evening to go out and relax.

smiley - smiley

Good first day on the forum

Post 28


True - not that Southampton has been anything but bright and sunny for the last few days. I have to wear my hat, or otherwise I'm blind!

Good first day on the forum

Post 29

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Good luck today. Let me know what happens. I won't be online much until this evening because it's the weekend (ants work a four day week).

Good first day on the forum

Post 30


I must try being an ant sometime.
I've heard nothing so far, but when I do I'll let you know.

Good first day on the forum

Post 31

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'm sure the 4 day week rule works for other insects like Bluebottles too. Of course, you do have to do the 4 days WORK as well as the 3 day weekend. But I find I do more work that way -- us creative types burn out easily smiley - bigeyes

Good first day on the forum

Post 32


I was a creative working person once - then I went to uni and got lazy. smiley - sadface I used to work almost everyday, but then I got tired of it after a while. It gets so repetitive.

Good first day on the forum

Post 33

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

That's why the four day week works -- it stops you from feeling that you have to work EVERY day. Mind you, most of what I do is work related, even h2g2 I suppose, because I'm never far from my computer. Even the Guide Entry I am writing is related to my studies. So I no longer have to put up with my brain saying "I don't want to know anything more about that subject. Data rejected on the grounds that it is too boring for words."

Good first day on the forum

Post 34


The four day week seems like a good idea to me. I guess I worked hard too long, and then decided I couldn't be bothered with it anymore and wanted a little fun for once.

Good first day on the forum

Post 35

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

You didn't decide, some part inside you decided to stop you working. It's motives were good -- to protect you -- but it's methods were, er, overenthusiatic? Does this make sense.

Good first day on the forum

Post 36


I think so.
Do you ever stop analysing people? smiley - winkeye

Good first day on the forum

Post 37

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Sorry, I'll stop. I was worried about you and wanted to help.

Good first day on the forum

Post 38


It's okay - I wasn't have a moan. And I do appreciate the fact you are trying to help, please don't mis-interpret me, my friend. smiley - smiley Your help is appreciated. I just know I have to get some work done and start revising for re-takes in September.

Good first day on the forum

Post 39

Micheal Jay Mole

Ah Amy you are so right; you can never have enough friends. I'm rather
envious of you and bluebottle because I'm not competent in any language except English (and sometimes I doubt that). I have had a year of German, Spanish, and French, and have a small amount of Japanese (scochi). I wish Americans wern't so xenophobic when it comes
to languages. If someone doesn't understand us we just speak LOUDER as
if volume itself would translate our speach. Almost 15% of our citizenry speaks Spanish yet the gov't will not accept it as an official US language. (just realized I forgot to mention that I have
put in some hours with Gaelic) We (USA) have come to take it for granted that the rest of the world will have to learn English. Grow up
America! Hell, 30 years ago we were supposed to convert to the metric
system and we still haven't done it. Hey, I left a post on your CD forum and meant to point out that one of my favorites is Leonard Cohen
but he is Canadian so we can't include him in the US/UK music discussion. Anyway.....never enough friends! A self-evident truth!

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