This is the Message Centre for Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

BB & Amy

Post 21

Micheal Jay Mole

I'm hungry too. Can I have the "doggie bag"? By the time it reaches me it will probably be worm food: I'm 6000 miles from you folks! I'm kind of envious of you guys. Your WHOLE COUNTRY is about the size of my home state. I can't even contemplate meeting other h2g2 researchers for a bite unless the University sends me overseas (which it won't). Anyone got about 10,000 British Pounds Sterling to spare? I'll pay it back! I promise! (Yeah, sure---bloody Yank) smiley - smiley

BB & Amy

Post 22

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Saying hello from the Millennium Dome!

Love Amy

BB & Amy

Post 23

Micheal Jay Mole

Someone open the luggage compartment. I can't get any air! Are we there yet?

BB & Amy

Post 24

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Internet access from the luggage hold of a 747. That's clever. Hello again. I am now at the Computer Arts exhibition that was the main point of this London Trip.

Love Amy

BB & Amy

Post 25

Micheal Jay Mole

See if you can get the pilot to pressurise the luggage hold, I'm getting dizzy. And, where is the 'loo back here? Oops! Too late.

BB & Amy

Post 26


Hello Amy!
So, did you actually use the internet thingy in the talk zone in the Dome? When I was there - that was the only bit where there was a queue....

BB & Amy

Post 27

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

No, I couldn't get it to work. I used the internet café in the main arena.

BB & Amy

Post 28


They have an internet cafe there? Must have missed that bit.
So, you had a good time in London?

BB & Amy

Post 29

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Yes, thank you. I had a wonderful time.

smiley - bigeyes

I am now safely back in Leeds, Peregrin may or may not be in Wales and Roasted Amoeba is almost certainly still in or near London.

BB & Amy

Post 30


I know Peregrin made it to Birmingham okay... And Tim's off to Southampton today. Sarah said that the petrol stations in Leeds don't really have much petrol in? Is this true? Southampton seems fine - but then, Southampton's oil refinery at Fawly wasn't blockaded at all.

BB & Amy

Post 31

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

There hasn't been any petrol at my local petrol station since last Sunday. Fortunately I have been in London so I didn't need any. I still have half a tank... and, since the Antmobile is just a petrol tank on wheels, that will last me for some while. The traffic levels on the Harrogate Road have returned to normal so perhaps petrol is available again now.

BB & Amy

Post 32


I've never noticed any crisis in Southampton - still lots of cars everywhere, plenty of food in shops etc, just pretty much everyday life. But then, my definition of "crisis" involves nuclear weapons, having to share your bed with more flea-infested rats than you are comfortable with, and starving so much that you are forced to eat
the cat you've had since you were a baby in order to stay alive.

BB & Amy

Post 33

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Thank you for that cheerful view. smiley - winkeye

My idea of a crisis is M&S running out of pineapple and lime juice. But it's OK, they haven't, I've just been to check. smiley - bigeyes

BB & Amy

Post 34


Well looks like the world's gonnna carry on fine regardless. smiley - smiley

BB & Amy

Post 35


Hello smiley - smiley

BB & Amy

Post 36

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hi Tigger.

Nice bounce!

smiley - bigeyes


BB & Amy

Post 37


|/\/\/\/\/\| <-- Side view of spring


Tigger |\/\/\|

BB & Amy

Post 38

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Well done, BB. Nice graphic!!

BTW another graphic, nice?, maybe not, is in my Test article on my page. I could give you the link but I'm not going to because I want you to visit my redecorated page smiley - winkeye.

BB & Amy

Post 39


I can't believe that it's taken a year and a half for one of my approved articles to have artwork - but I've got a really cool animation! smiley - smiley

And okay - I'm off to see your page. smiley - smiley

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