A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool


Post 1


Daz walks over to the waterslide and grabs a ticket for the flume, the feeling of excitiment ripples throughout his body as he edges ever nearer to the opening, one buy one, the people slip down the slide into oblivion! I step into the loading bay, clasp my hands round the cool, wet bar above my head and wait for the green light to signal my descent,the light switches and a green erie glow forms above my head, i let go of the bar, put my arms back and push against the back rest, my whole body is tingling, my heart beating louder and louder like a drummer in a march, BOOM, BOOM,BOOM,BOOM, BOOM, edgeing forwards i slip down the pipe, water spraying into my face and my stomach churning as i slip down the hole into hadees! No only joking....i slide down the flume into the splash pool at coral reef! Great place if you can get there!!!!

Here is the address:

Coral Reef Bracknell's Water World
Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell

Phone Number: 01344 862525

Daz smiley - biggrin


Post 2


I think I have been there - and yes, I enjoyed it. smiley - smiley


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