A Conversation for Apple Macintosh Computers

Apple Macs

Post 1

Marvin T Android

Aren't they just sooo reliable!!!

Apple Macs

Post 2

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

That's odd...they usually respond to kindness and logic. My Mac is very loyal, sleeps at the foot of my bed, fetches slippers, tells jokes. OK, I'm kidding about the slippers, but not about the jokes.

Apple Macs

Post 3

Marvin T Android

yes, but how many times do you have to tell it to do these marvellous things? and how often does it
crash into the nearest wall?

Apple Macs

Post 4

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

My Mac? crashing into walls? Uhn-uh. It pretty much does whatever I ask it. And it knows the century is going to end, no special training needed.

The problem is with that windoze pentium thing. Poor beast. It wanders about aimlessly, crashing into whatever I point it at. Needs lots of guidance, particularly if I try to train it with a new piece of equipment. I DID take one to obedience school. A little penguin, wearing a red hat, did marvelous things with it, and it is much more obedient now.

Apple Macs

Post 5

Mr Hat

Apple macs are Shite.....I rest my case....

See my entry on themm

Chris Asker

Apple Macs

Post 6

Mr Hat

You actually use a mac

Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear

Wake up,......They are soooooooooooo bad !

see my entry on them

Chris aSker

Apple Macs

Post 7


Both Macs and PCs are inherently flawed if used with the 'standard' OS's. Windows 98 has a problem with hardware conflicts and MacOS has probs with software conflicts. Neither is reliable until you use something like Linux or BeOS.
Unfortunately, I can't use BeOS on my G3, but my pc runs like a dream.


Apple Macs

Post 8


Apple Macs are not shite. I work with PC's and Mac's all day. Guess what? Mac's are more reliable, more stable, easier to use, take whatever you throw at them (apart from scrambled eggs) and they look good. They are what computing should be about. Intuitive, easy to use, friendly and colourful. What can I say, they are groovy, baby! I don't think anyone can judge the Mac until they have seen what it is capable of, especially when pitted against the feeble efforts of a Windoze PC.

Apple Macs

Post 9


So you think macs are shite?

Well they are, they are just about a million times less shite than Windose 3.1 [and yes I have tried the win2000 beta and yes win3.1 is still the best OS Big Bill has ever released]

Apple Macs

Post 10

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

You can run Linux on a G3. Use either MKLinux or LinuxPPC. Dunno about BeOS...

Apple Macs

Post 11

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

s-h-i-t-e ?????

"shite" ?????

shite [sp]??????

You mean, like excrement? doo-doo? ka-ka?

Apple Macs

Post 12

Mr Hat

I still stand by my former argument, so there...

They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shite that you could label a big pile of shite with a hugh neon sign descosing "Big shite here", and still this would not stand up to their shiteness

You wanne argue with me, better do better than talk mindless computor jargon like the sad geeks that you are. Speak English you gits, or don't talk at all.

Apple Macs

Post 13


When did you last use a Mac? Have you ever used one for Digital Video Editing? Graphic Design, Multimedia Design? Ever tried comparing the systems directly, running the same software, performing the same tasks? I suspect not. I have and the difference in stability, ease of use and capability to handle heavy tasks is so pronounced that people actively shun the PC version in favour of the Mac. I just don't understand your extreme atitude towards Macs, did someone beat you over the head with one as child?

Apple Macs

Post 14

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran


Mr Hat

Post 15


Ok much as it pains me to do this (and I apologise to other hitchers who wonder through here).

Mr Hat,

Sarcasm clearly passes you by as does reasoned and informed argument (are you american by any chance?) and so in plain english here is the responce you so clearly require to feed your misplaced ego.

APLLE MACS ARE GOD'S COMPUTERS, you on the other hand are a gay finger puppet who was replaced by a stick for well over half a season with no noticable drop in performance. You look and smell like a piece of wee, your parentage is questionable and you have a very small apendage which remains as yet unused.

Kindest regards,
Yours etc. etc.

"And I will execute great vengeance upon [thee] with furious rebukes; and [thou] shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon [thee]."

yank, huh?

Post 16

Mr Hat

i'm sorry to offend, and appologise to those who i have offended...

BUT, i stand by my argumant, and don't take insults lightly, especially ones about my nationality. HOW DARE YOU SAY I AM AMERICAN !!!!!!!!

I don't want to start a figh (honest), but i will not take this criticism.

Mr Hat

yank, huh?

Post 17

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

now, now, children

we must really play nice, or no one will want to visit us --

on EITHER side of the Atlantic...

Mr hat.

Post 18


I apologise for the insults laid at your door by my fellow Mac compatriots, but one tends to get defensive in anti-Mac debate due to the uninformed number of PC users, who sustain their predjudice via Mac-hating PC press, fuelled by the Gates Empire.

yank, huh?

Post 19


My Dear Mr Hat

If only you had an argument to 'stand by' all this could have been so much easier. I would simply have directed you to the relevant section from an independant survey which reveals macs to be superior to PCs (these have all been nicely archived by the good people at www.macmarines.com). But as your agument seems to be based largely on a small spring loaded button adjacent to the floppy disk drive (a legacy device which the latest macs have dispenced with), rebuttal is rendered a bit tricky.

I do apologise for insinuating that you were american, I realise that I went too far with that one, but please realise that many mac users (myself included) regard it as a personal insult when you describe our chosen OS and brand of hardware as 'tacky'

One final thought, given DNA's status as a high profile mac user it would not suprise me if this website was hosted on a G3 box running MacOS X.

Kindest regards
Yours etc. etc.


Post 20


Mr Hat, as ric has pointed out you are yet to put forward your arguement and the lack of one so far proves our point, that you have no idea what you are talking about.

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