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A Brief Thank You From Portablechaos
Portable Chaos Started conversation Jul 17, 2001
Thank you so much for recommending my entry, as this was my first attempt at writing anything at all your support has proved invaulable. I would not have given up of course, but it is nice that someone enjoys the words that have come directly from inside your mind. And also Bukowski's work is so what unrecognised some which i hope to alter.
A Brief Thank You From Portablechaos
kabads Posted Jul 18, 2001
YOu are most welcome. As a scout, I often find it a pressure to find work which is worth recommending, so your's was a godsend! Your hard work obviously paid off - so enjoy the new kudos of being considered a competent writer!
Are there any good sites on the net about Bukowski?
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A Brief Thank You From Portablechaos
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