A Conversation for Stokey Sue

Salt rising bread - sourdough

Post 1


Hi Sue!

I wanted to come on the food board to update everyone on the progress of my SRB. Unfortunately I'd forgotten they were closing at 6 tonight (until 9 on Tues, boo hoo!).

Here's what I was going to post:
"Checked at 7.30 – 6 hours since I added warmth – and the whole surface is covered in a thick (up to 1cm) layer of white foam. It smells atrocious, just as it's supposed to! Now I have to decide when to turn it into bread."

Now I've removed the potatoes and added 100g wholemeal. I'll give it until 10.00 then I hope to make it up into a dough and bake it around midnight. Just hope it rises so I can bake it tonight.

BTW, it's been listening to R2 most of the day!smiley - biggrin

That link was most useful - by reading several different recipes I came to the conclusion that you can very it more or less to suit yourself.

All the best for the New Year!

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Salt rising bread - sourdough

Post 2


I have to tell someone!

The taste of the SRB is fantastic! Sarah Brown, who runs the website likens the smell and the taste to ripe French cheese.
I thought the smell would go once it was baked, but instead it deepens and becomes more pleasant. The taste of the bread seems to be an extension of this.
I thought it would be more solid than it turned out, but no, it's a lovely light loaf.
I'm quite chuffed - and I can't wait to get back on the boards to tell everyone about it.

ATB for the New Year,

Paulsmiley - smiley

Salt rising bread - sourdough

Post 3

Stokey Sue

Glad to hear it worked first time!

I'm sure I have a literary reference to 'salt rising bread' somewhere in the grey cells but I can't get it to surface at the moment! Not Louisa May Alcott (Little Women) but something of that type - Gene Stratton Porter possibly? That would be the right geographic area, and there's a lot of domestic detail in the books.


PS sorry I didn't reply sooner - did an overnighter for the New Year. happy new Year!

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