This is the Message Centre for NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

A procrastinating, lazy Canadian student says hello....

Post 1

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

Greetings, fellow researcher! My name is Big 'Evil' Dan, and I am an H2G2 Guardian Angel. If you need any help around here, don't be afraid to ask me, or any of the other Saints. (To get in touch, you can visit, visit my page by clicking on my name above, or just hitting reply). smiley - smiley

As one who has created an entire H2G2 religion based upon the avoidance of w*rk, I couldn't help but come here after seeing your name. smiley - smiley

Other important links:

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ACEs Homepage

A procrastinating, lazy Canadian student says hello....

Post 2

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

I thank you, and I believe I'm getting the hang of this. One question: what of my entry? is it good? I hope this doesn't bring upon any unneccesary work...

another lazy canadian student.

Post 3

silver cloud of lunacy

so lazy i never bother capitalizing. unless i accidentally hit caps lock or shift. does it matter if it's any good? it served its purpose of wasting time, and that in itself makes it "good" in some way, so i figure further analysis is a waste of time (which of course is useful in itself, but i'm going in circles now).

i just thought i would say hello. it's after 3 in the afternoon, i just woke up, and i'm too lazy to move more than 3 feet from my bed to get breakfast, so i'm wandering.

my daily contribution to the wonderful world of procrastination is this:
have you ever gone hunting with a bowl and spoon??

another lazy canadian student.

Post 4

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

yeah, but my prey was just too fast...

No work involved... I swear

Post 5

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

I just had a thought - why is my homepage listed as a guide entry?

No work involved... I swear

Post 6

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

They all are.

lazy canadian student becomes conspiracy theorist

Post 7

silver cloud of lunacy

you see, everything you ever do online is logged by the system. h2g2 is not just some creative forum floating out there. it's big brother if he put on groucho marx glasses. hahaha. there's a secret link on everyone's page to see their online porn-viewing activities too. and another pointing out if anyone has clicked on anything to do with hanson (it's that button that says "ewwwww! why?").

lazy NYC student was already paranoid

Post 8

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

It IS possible, but I could have sworn only the CIA (and porn freaks with cable modems) did that. What's the UK's counterpart?

I'll be looking for that link...

lazy canadian student crushed her hand and is somehow still continuing this conversation

Post 9

silver cloud of lunacy

the CIA really doesn't care all that much about either habit, it's actually more like a secret sect of federal agents who do it as a hobby so that they can mess with people, after all, that's the only reason they pursued such a career -- to invade someone's privacy well beyond something legally acceptable. they don't want to arrest you, they just want the opportunity to make fun of you if they meet you at a pub when they're drunk and bored "heyyyy! i know you! didn't you spend 4 hours on that hanson orgy site last week?!".
why i am bothering to continue this conversation is well beyond anything my feeble mind can grasp.

lazy canadian student crushed her hand and is somehow still continuing this conversation

Post 10

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

it's kinda funny -

That just proves that they have an even more defunct social life than the people they watch. If course, it isn't a far stretch of the imagination to think that a faction of the US government is populated by voyeurs and peeping-toms, when another is populated by permiscuous drug addicts (congress)...

sorry, bad cold

Post 11


*cough* "president" *cough*

-the boy from Oz

sorry, bad cold

Post 12

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

I frankly don't care if the president smokes weed and has 3 concubines... I don't care if he sacrifices a live goat in the Lincoln bedroom every morning before work. If he can lead the country (and Clinton did a very good job) then he gets my vote.

George Dubya, Jr., and Holy Joe Lieberman are the ones to watch out for...

sorry, bad cold

Post 13


granted granted.....

and i must say

i'm really in no position to comment....have you met the leader of Our country......

sorry, bad cold

Post 14

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

not personally... smiley - winkeye

but I'd love to see a country with goals even more messe up than ours (if such a thing exists)... I think the next president in our country must now even renounce even knowing what sex is...

sorry, bad cold

Post 15

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

You Americans don't know how lucky you have it. Our politicians don't anything interesting like that (except recently when a pie was thrown at the Prime Minister, but that wasn't really his doing. smiley - winkeye). I would love to see a real sex scandal in Parliment. It might actually get me interested in Canadian politics. smiley - smiley

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