This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

Hands up who knew it would be me?

All of you smiley - loveblush

Some of you even know who the object of my pash is
smiley - drool

In a good mood so I just wanted to share that!

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 2


* puts hand up

The Deppster, by any chance?

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 3

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

I thought it might be yousmiley - winkeye

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 4


Schoolgirl crushes should never be consigned to the past.

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 5


I knew it must be yousmiley - winkeye

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 6

A Super Furry Animal

I knew it was you.

Who are you in lurve with? Is it me?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 7

Sho - employed again!

Freddy, Freddy - Of course I lurve you. But this is my new one.

It's Brian Cox (the professor, not the actor)
smiley - loveblush

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 8


Thanks, this reminded me of one of my favourite French songs ever: "Fontenay aux Roses" by Maxime le Forestier.

The singer appears to have an innocent crush on a schoolgirl... and in the very last line it is revealed that there is a bit more to it than that:

"Je crois que je vous dois
quelques explication, petites, écoutez-moi:
c'est la première fois que je suis amoureux

"I think I owe you a few explanations, so listen up: this is the first time I'm in love with an entire girls' boarding school!" smiley - loveblushsmiley - biggrin

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 9


Oops... it should have been "explications", and I remembered it wrong anyway. It's: "Je crois que je vous dois de vous faire un aveu, petites écoutez-moi...".

It's been so long... smiley - blush

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

in my youth I knew young lads who were in love with an entire girls' boarding school (RF too, no doubt)

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 11


In English, that would make it, "I owe you a confession."

That said - I think the only real schoolgirl crush I ever had was on a young Gilbert O'Sullivan... smiley - loveblush

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 12


Oh, so it was you?

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I think when you no longer get these feelings you might as well be dead. I agree, he's quite adorable. And long distance crushes are perfect, nothing to spoil the nice feelings.

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

I thought it was a 2legs journal. smiley - laugh

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 15

Sho - employed again!

smiley - rofl
probably he'd have a crush on the delectable Professor too
smiley - winkeye
(eh, 2legs?)

In lurve, lust and wondering how old you are before schoolgirl crushes should be a thing of the past

Post 16

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Schoolgil Crush? Is that a new flavour of Slush Puppies? smiley - senior


smiley - musicalnote

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