This is the Message Centre for Frump

hi, frump .............

Post 1

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

....and welcome to 'The Guide'

It will be good to get some further Australian links here for those of us especially that have never been. We already have a couple, which you can check out from the index of entries (avoids duplication, to a point) at index.

If you need any help, or need any suggestions on areas to visit here, why not check out the Aces homepage at

Alternatively, just grab a passing researcher.

have fun smiley - smiley have a fish smiley - fish

happy researching.

hi, frump .............

Post 2


What part of Oz are you from? I'm from Perth.

hi, sorcerer

Post 3


Ello, ello, ello....

I'm from Sydney. Way over the otherside of the continent.

hi, sorcerer

Post 4


Don't you like me? You're about as far away as possible while staying in Oz.

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