This is the Message Centre for Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 1

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Yesterday was a bad day, there was no good reason, I could blame hormones, I could blame not taking my st. john wort at the right time or the blisters my shoes gave me. But there's not really a reason. Some days are just better than others.

Sometimes it's the big things that make you feel better, more often than not it's the little things. Like yesterday, a person I follow on Pinterest pinning one of my bracelets and the chess set I designed and made. Rarely, if ever does anyone notice my jewellery, but for someone I respect to do it, gave me that little lift in spirits that I needed.

That is until now, when I was stupid enough to stumble onto my h2g2 fan page and the last few posts I was was making.

I'm so sorry guys. I was such a mardy cow before I left, and I know I was depressed and I know that I was going through a rough patch in RL and I know it was the reason I left, but I should never have acted the way I did.

I am extremely ashamed of myself and I apologies profusely.

Em x

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 2



hope your ok sweet,you may or may not remember me i was or rather am wazzow...

just moved over...

take care hope to hear from you..

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 3

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I remember you dear, one good things about a rushed disappearance is all the old friends lists are still there, which helps jog the old memory!

Had a few bad days this week, but I'm okay. Just trying to keep myself busy and not think about it.

Glad to see you made it back. Have to say, it's very strange being back after all that time, I've totally lost my h2g2 mojo!

Em x

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 4



well each day is a new adventurs....flower....,sooo

dont worry about anything just be you.

I'm real glad you remember me,as i'm getting on now and barely remember me

anyway stay in touch..ok

catch ya on the flip side


Bad, Good, Bad

Post 5

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Well you're lucky, I've a good long term memory and a useless short term one. Which in many respects helps to mess up the old head because if something goes wrong I takes me a very long time to get rid of it.

I have considered a swift sharp hit to the old noggin but I suspect that would hurt and since I hit my head off my bench peg on a fairly regular basis, fruitless.

How's life been treating you?

Em x

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 6


smiley - laugh are you sure you really want to know

it's been say the least..

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 7

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - zen enlightening or smiley - yikes enlightening?

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 8


i know....smiley - laugh

im on 12 hr nights at the mo...brains not quite functioning as it

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 9

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Mine hasn't since leaving uni! But I don't think I'd cope with a 12 hour night shift...I'm not a night owl.

What do you do, if you don't mind me asking? smiley - smiley

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 10


Morning em.....

sorry for taking time to reply,well its currently 0321 in the am..

ok...i didnt realise you needed help sleeping...but..!

i work in the rail industry as a supervisor,basically in charge of both import & export trains & everything that involves.

like road haulage,export pre entry as well as seemingly making all the decisions for other people on nights who are unable to make decisions for

still awake

told you it was boring.

i tend to alternate,i do 2 weeks of nights & two of days although last year i did 12 hr nights for the entire year.....

what are you up to at the i've bored you rigid...smiley - laugh

Bad, Good, Bad

Post 11

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Don't worry, time delays are always to be expected with rail travel :P

Currently I design and make window displays for my dads business, and do filing and write up clinics for during the week, plus I have been trying to rebuild the the past two weeks I have been sitting at the kitchen table from first thing in the morning until midnight building paper houses based on ones in the town in order to get the Christmas window in by either the end of this week or the beginning of next. Then I have to do it all again for the other two windows.

What I should be doing is making jewellery and putting it in a cabinet at work and on the net and trying to flog it. But I have barely stepped in my workshop this year. In fact I cleaned it out last weekend and I think that was the first time in months. Basically, being depressed has stopped me designing and not making jewellery/metalwork has made me more depressed. I'm stuck in a bit of a loop.

It's crap, but at least I have a little money coming in and I've been enjoying making the houses.

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