This is the Message Centre for cuddlyevil

Hello little girl

Post 1


Hi. I just decided to return to the forum without saying what I was going to say. But I thought I just say "hi" to let you know I was visiting.


Hello little girl

Post 2


What's the matter Pete? Why wouldn't you say what you were going say? Just come out and say it dear...

Hello little girl

Post 3


Well, two reasons: one, it was impertinent and I didn't want to come off as a "horny net geek," even though I am. Second, I'm a little put off by the apparent lack of privacy here. It seems that anyone can see your messages.

So... ok, since you asked, I was just wondering what are the limits to your "evilness." Maybe it's just me, but I get an erotic/romantic image from the nickname, cuddlyevil.

Are you erotically oriented? Are you kinky? Are you more romantic than erotic or more erotic than romantic? Do you play?

Just so's you know, I am kinky. Are you interested in discussing erotic fantasies?

smiley - smiley

Hello little girl

Post 4


Hmmmm....interesting question pete.
Well, I guess my "evilness" as you call it lends itself more on the side of twisted humor than anything else. I haven't really had the opportunity to properly test it any other realm to the extent as I should to be able to claim full ownership of any inherent evil.
I think I am more romantic than anything else, I am very sensual by nature but was raised by a hopeless romantic and it rubbed off.
As I do most of my e-mailing from work, discussion of erotic fantasies may be a bad idea since they have this nasty habit of checking into internet activity, plus I don't think my guy would approve. Sorry.

Hello little girl

Post 5


Cool smiley - smiley well, that answers all my questions. I find the whole topic of 'evil' and its different forms very interesting. Now that I know the form your evil takes, I can get my head screwed on in the right direction to talk to you without being offensive. Thanks.

Hello little girl

Post 6


Not a problem, Pete. What forms of "evil" have you looked into in your travels?

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