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Going behind Tesco and B & Qs back

Post 1

LL Waz

Freecycling's to be recommended. Why did freecycling a surplus of loft insulation material feel subversive? As if, just once, I'd got the better of this consumerconsumedcommerce that rules life. Well cool.

There's a whole world of free swopsies going on out there. Chickens, PCs, wardrobes, tyres, music books ... Fantastic.

Getting more use out of things that still have value left. Fantastic.

Keeping down the landfill without the Council Tax paid bin lorries and the ridiculous transporting of unwanted stuff across half the world. Fantastic.

It's not even really a swap, the giving and taking don't match on an individual basis, just a group one.

It's much better than the annual rotation of junk that is the Village Hall silent auction because there's no obligation felt to offer anything and the takers genuinely want what they offer to take. Double well-cool.

Looking out for some chicken wire ...

Going behind Tesco and B & Qs back

Post 2


From the context I gather that freecycling is what we call dumpster diving. Businesses throw out useable stuff and people take what of it they want?

We used to raid the dumpsters at a woodworking factory for kindling and often found some really nice boards that could be used for book shelves or crafts.

Going behind Tesco and B & Qs back

Post 3

LL Waz

(Did some dumpster diving in Canberra - it was that sort of place smiley - winkeye)

Freecycling's pretty organised. Round here it exists via Yahoo groups. You join, sign up to the rules of not requiring anything in return for what you offer and post a message advertising what you have that you don't want. Saw surplus garden produce being offered for instance.

You can also read what others have on offer or run a search for something you might be looking for. People make contact by email and phone and come round and pick items up or you go round and pick them up.

The group's run by a local organiser.

Going behind Tesco and B & Qs back

Post 4

LL Waz

Oh, ps, it all looks to be just individuals, not businesses.

Going behind Tesco and B & Qs back

Post 5


Ah, so not the same thing at all. More like the co-op you were talking about earlier. smiley - ok Or just an organized way to get rid of things you don't want. It makes a lot of sense.

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