This is the Message Centre for LL Waz

I get the message.

Post 1

LL Waz

I'm going into the loft.

I may be some time.

I was about to do it anyway!

You didn't have to turn the drip into a flow smiley - sadface.

I _was_ going to do it.


Didn't mother borrow the vice grip...?

I'm going, I'm going smiley - cross.

I get the message.

Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Oh! my poor Waz,

How on earth do you mend a drip that turns into a flow in a loft?

I shall be there in spirit, holding the ladder = which I ptrdumr you must have, and dodging the flow, whilst you try and stop it.

Be strong.!
Be courageous!
Be brave!
And good luck

Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

I get the message.

Post 3

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - sadface

Holds the bucket(s) (depending on the severity of the flow..)

smiley - cheerup


I get the message.

Post 4

LL Waz

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin WooHoo!


No more drip!

Thank you for the assistance in spirit. It was needed.

The cistern's in the loft AR1. The water was getting too high in it, reaching the overflow pipe which takes the overflow of water outside the house where it drips, or flows, down from almost above the kitchen door. The bucket was needed on standby but didn't come into use because I managed to turn the mains water off. Took a pair of pliers to do it though.

Three hours to change a washer smiley - erm, though it did include fetching the vice grip, spare pliers, WD40 (Mother swaers by it on all occasions) and a ring spanner that looked the right size but wasn't, from mother's. And putting the washer's plastic contraption in the wrong way round and having to dismantle the metal joints to get it back out which was just plain stupid. And taking the ballcock bit off again because I bent it the wrong way, equally stupid. And an excessive number of trips up and down the ladder.

Going to get tea now, and then a long soak in some smelly-as-possible bubble bath is needed smiley - biggrin.

I get the message.

Post 5

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

who needs plumers.......... just WD41.5 and a mum with the tools smiley - smiley

I get the message.

Post 6

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear Waz.

I am absolutely chock-a -block full of admiration. How do you know all these things?

I am utterly, totally, useless at all things which require mechanical ability, agility, expertise and know-how. and every single person who comes to the house to "fix" something instincttively knows it. This results in the person telling me
a. There is nothihng wrong
b. It can be fixed but is very pricey. They proceed to fix it and one day later the same things applies.
I wish I could be like you and just tackle everythi problem with determination and confidence and most of all agility!!
I can see my wheelchair going up and down the ladder into the loft. !

anyway, I award you 100% for bravery - in facing up to the problem
" I award you 100% for ability - for knowing what to do.
I award you 100% FOR completion of task.

Well done.

Does it give you any feeling of satisfaction. I know that I would have given up when I saw the drip turn to a flow!!

Hope that you enjoyed the fragrant bath.

Christiane. AR1 smiley - schooloffish

I get the message.

Post 7

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

ahhh ballcocks, the trouble i have had with them..... water works problems, ageing pipe work and sticky ballcock, nothing worse

smiley - blush

I get the message.

Post 8

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*Provides waterworks smiley - wah.*

Just kidding. smiley - cool

I get the message.

Post 9

LL Waz

Elwyn! I'll get the vice-grip out again!

Rev Jack, put some special WD42 on that.

Christiane, enORMous satisfaction. I'm not good at these things. I don't know them. Got to try though, how could I not? When I called for the vice-grip, mother was changing the spark plugs on her mower. (Father was pottering with a tea tray/had his head in a book/was looking for what he'd just lost/was writing letters/was watching Columbo. I didn't notice, but it would have been one of those things.)

Mum always has a go. Always has done. Has often had to. She has a very large Reader's Digest DIY manual she asked for one Christmas. I borrow it. It's got all sorts of wonderful things in it. They look so easy in diagrams on the page. But the diagrams are never rusted and calcified up, and the bits always fit and the joints never leak, and hot and cold pipes are colour coded, and the corners are all neat 90 degrees and walls are straight ... Heaven will be like the inside of the Reader's Digest Manual.

I get the message.

Post 10

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - laugh

I get the message.

Post 11

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

What a wonderful description of Heaven!!

I think my idea would be a place where all things that go wrong are self-fixing!! And what joy to get that satisfaction. Perhaps I get it when a prize dahlia, which I have fed and debudded and watered and staked turns out to be a magnificent show bloom. Or a culinary experiment turns out to be not only edible but delicious and has no after effects such as itchy skin, or dire joint pains etc. etc.

In the olden days perhaps when I managed to play a Debussy Prelude lyrically and instilling at least a little of the poetry of his genius.

AR1 smiley - schooloffish

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