This is the Message Centre for LL Waz

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Post 1

LL Waz

... today!

smiley - smiley

That was Ssmiley - spaceosmiley - spacedding Day. This time last year not a turf cut, today the last roof tile's on.

Couldn't go, as have to be in Bristol this evening. I missed the day they cut the first turf too, no way I'm missing opening day, which should be in September.

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Post 2

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

yay brisel, my home town......ish so then whats up to in the briselsmiley - biggrin

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Post 3

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear Waz,

What a wonderful day. I did not realise that that was also one of your many activities. Sorry you missed the day. They will be building it very quickly if it is going to be ready in September.

Thank you for giving the link to this wonderful page. It makes me miss Shrewsbury even more!!

Much affection

Christiane smiley - schooloffish

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Post 4

LL Waz

Most of what I got up to in Brisel (smiley - biggrin), was work stuff, but I did get an hour on Friday evening to walk along the river a bit, and around the Old Vic area - what an incredible mix of building styles there is there! Neat market, too.

Stayed in the Thistle Hotel, if you know it. I'll remember it for the engine propellor attached to the ceiling for air conditioning. I thought the room was going to take off.

AR1, the building will open in three phases, September will just be the day unit. But you're right, it has been a quick build. There've been no delays, and no cost overruns.

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Post 5

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi LLWaz.

Sorry I have taken so long to answer. I stupidly spilt a pot of boiling water over my left hand on Sunday so have had a few problems with that. Fortunately because I was able to immediately put my hand under running cold water I think it is going to be alright. Except of course that as one gets older skin gets finer etc. etc.

I have only driven past Bristol on the way either to Cornwall or to Wales. Glad you managed to have time on your own. The Thistle is a lovely hotel. We had a meal when we went and had a break in Brighton a few years ago.

I have booked two tickets to go to a Mahler concert at the Barbican. I hope that the rest of the plans go successfully. Many a slip 'twixt cup and lip as you well know.

With affection

Christiane AR1 smiley - seniorsmiley - schooloffish

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Post 6

LL Waz

smiley - yikes sounds nasty AR1 - you did the right thing with the cold water. Hope it's doing alright and that nothing comes between you and Mahler. Must be twenty years since I went to the Barbican. That was for Hamlet, with Roger Rees. He played a young Hamlet - I liked it.

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Post 7

LL Waz

Topping off photo record

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Post 8

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi LLWaz,

Thanks for the link to the photos - but unfortunately when I got through it said that the link was incorrect.

I so enjoyed my concert. Was over the moon in fact. The cherry on the top was the fact that the researcher who first wrote about it did not enjoy the concert. In fact he slated it.! He obviously knows a heck of a lot about music . He was so nice and came with his wife to say hello after the concert. Anyway, I am determined that I am going to go again to celebrate my birthday. There is a Brahms symphony and Beethoven's violin concerto. I do not know the soloist. I must look her up on Google.

I at last managed to get K. to ask the Dr. to have K's chest X rayed. And at long last have got the results. They tragically are not good. What on earth do I do?


Much smiley - love

Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

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Post 9

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

the cherry on the top was NOT that the researcher did not enjoy the concert!!

The cherry on the top was that he and his wife came and said Hi. to me.

I really am losing it.

Perhaps just as well in view of the news of K's Xray.! Oh dear!

I have always told my carer that once my caring role is over that will be it.


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Post 10

LL Waz

Christiane smiley - hugsmiley - hug

I’m so sorry to hear about K’s chest x-rays. I’m not certain what they’ve shown, but you’re obviously upset and it doesn't sound good. You are much more than a carer. You are yourself too. I think it’s easy to lose yourself caring for others – especially to the extent that you’ve had to do.

Actually, maybe I phrased that wrong. You are someone who cares, not just a carer. And the world needs every single one of those that it can get.

I hope today is brighter, the scald is healing and that your Easter is good.


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Post 11

LL Waz

PS I guessed what you meant with the cherry on the top. If you want 'losing it' - how about taking a clock in for repair only to have the girl reappear from the back of the shop after five minutes to say there was nothing wrong with it and hold it up for me to hear the ticking smiley - erm?

It's been going fine ever since.

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Post 12

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

My so dear Waz.

thank you so much. I am trying to not think about it, and hope that it is going to be alright.

a happy Easter to you.

I am off to have a light breakfast and then to Mass and then to cook a lovely Easter lunch for the two of us.

With affection

Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

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