This is the Message Centre for Boobybro
Please do not go
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Started conversation Apr 25, 2006
Traveller in Time reading with interest
"Please do not get put off by one of our Researchers.
Afterall we are a bunch of People spending to much time behind a computer
well, some of us are.
Just concider any reply a personal opinion coloured by the day and state of mind, filtered by having to use text without the mimics of a real face
And actually, what do you expect ? No doubt you are an expert concerning the lost rivers of London, however 'Eco Worrier' has brought us already several Entries about the city . It is all a matter of perspective, please stay long enough to share us in your wisdom
. "
Please do not go
Mrs Zen Posted Apr 25, 2006
What Traveller in Time said! Don't go because of one comment by one person.
Imagine that this place is a pub and that you walk in not knowing anyone. Some people are going to be friendly, and some are going to be a bit more suspicious and wait to see how you behave before they make friends. Its as simple as that. Like most places in real life and on the internet, it takes a while to get to know people, and it takes a while for people to get to know you.
In the meantime, you've got an interesting subject there.
Old maps of London. That's where I'd look. But then I like old maps!
Please do not go
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Apr 25, 2006
Traveller in Time twisting the rabbit bone in his beard
"Just fixing our current nicknames:
>Traveller in Time < 42 _ _ _ Indefinitely in demand of Infinite Improbability Drive Buttons or Not _ _ _ Who is
>Ben - "We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"
Is it coincidence ?
(Many of us have just been campaigning to get a button back on the < <./>FrontPage</.> >"
Please do not go
Boobybro Posted Apr 26, 2006
Thanks guys and dolls. You have booted my confidence in a wounderful concept and make my efforts worth while. I shall continue, and may the force be with you.
Please do not go
Boobybro Posted Apr 26, 2006
Sorry, my typing stricks agin
Thanks guys and dolls. You have boosted my confidence in a wounderful concept and make my efforts worth while. I shall continue, and may the force be with you.
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Please do not go
- 1: Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired (Apr 25, 2006)
- 2: Mrs Zen (Apr 25, 2006)
- 3: Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired (Apr 25, 2006)
- 4: Mrs Zen (Apr 25, 2006)
- 5: Boobybro (Apr 26, 2006)
- 6: Boobybro (Apr 26, 2006)
- 7: Mrs Zen (Apr 26, 2006)
- 8: Boobybro (Apr 28, 2006)
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