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John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Started conversation Apr 18, 2004
This one is proving to be even harder.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Apr 18, 2004
I thought you had been a little quiet lately - have you been racking your brains?
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Apr 18, 2004
No, I have to treat what's left of it very gently. Most of my head is stuffed with cotton wool to stop it rolling around and getting damaged.
How're things with you? How's the garden coming along?
Ginger The Feisty Posted Apr 19, 2004
The garden is very wet - it is all I can do to keep the weeds down at the moment. How is yours?
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Apr 23, 2004
Not at the moment, thanks. I've got a stinking head cold; so everything seems to be pretty secure in their, although not much use for much apart from growing hair.
The gardens coming along. Even on the cold days, the sun is now very strong. In fact, I got quite burn the other day. Things seem to take off like formula 1 cars at this time... don't know what made me think of that.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Apr 23, 2004
We are going to cut the grass for the first time tomorrow - might be like last year when we found a grass snake!
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted May 7, 2004
Oh, dear; I hope not. That would be a traumatic way to welcome spring.
I've just finished cutting our little patch of grass out front, which is really just enough grass to give the city an excuse not to make us get rid of the wildflowers.
Ginger The Feisty Posted May 8, 2004
Ah grass snakes are harmless really. We didn't find any it has rained every day since so the grass looks like it has never ben cut!
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted May 8, 2004
That's a relief. It's pretty nasty when you run over the poor things.
It's been quite a wet spring here. In fact, it's raining again now. The bit of grass out front was like a hay field when I cut it yesterday. I could feel the neighbours peering through the curtains and muttering about us lowering the tone of the neghbourhood with our disgraceful garden .
On the other hand, we've just spent 11 days with the Dalai Lama in Toronto; so we're above all that now.
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- 1: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Apr 18, 2004)
- 2: Ginger The Feisty (Apr 18, 2004)
- 3: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Apr 18, 2004)
- 4: Ginger The Feisty (Apr 19, 2004)
- 5: Princess Lilly, (Apr 23, 2004)
- 6: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Apr 23, 2004)
- 7: Ginger The Feisty (Apr 23, 2004)
- 8: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (May 7, 2004)
- 9: Ginger The Feisty (May 8, 2004)
- 10: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (May 8, 2004)
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