This is the Message Centre for ClownMCP
*While the clowns away...*
shazzPRME Posted Jun 2, 2000
... whilst shazz draws a fetching line in imitation boobs on his chest... which is quite an achievement because he is moving about too much
*While the clowns away...*
msmonsy Posted Jun 2, 2000
hehe!! now that was a good one about some wings *adds silly string wings* to make him look like one of the victoria secret angel models ...well, a demented version thereof LOL!!
*While the clowns away...*
shazzPRME Posted Jun 2, 2000
*rummages around and finds green paint*
OK... how does the moustache look Monsy? He appears to be a strange mixture of a fairy and Frank Zappa now!
*While the clowns away...*
Don Vito Posted Jun 2, 2000
So then a gatter that you like this kind of things?
I think my help isn't needed anymore?
~Sneeking back to the door( it's getting ugly around here)~
*While the clowns away...*
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Jun 3, 2000
I heard that before! Another time, another place, and the last time one of you said that, it didn't really work out. You've been planning your next move in the other place for over two weeks now
*While the clowns away...*
shazzPRME Posted Jun 3, 2000
Well maybe we are having more fun in here! It does have the added attraction of involving wrecking ClownMCP's place at the same time!
*While the clowns away...*
msmonsy Posted Jun 3, 2000
yes, quite ....
*turns the silly string shooter on the Don as he tries to escape the fun* hehe!! that'll teach you ....
now, what shall we do with kheldar??
*While the clowns away...*
Researcher 99947 Posted Jun 4, 2000
*sporky, who makes off with a cozy chesterfield and a nice dodge pickup, whose keys were left on a shiny trivet someone left around
*While the clowns away...*
Don Vito Posted Jun 4, 2000
~Stuk on the wall~
Why do i deserve this kind of treatment i haven't done anything.
Sporky would you like to be a member of the famely i think i can learn a lot of you(stealing chesterfields and so on)
*While the clowns away...*
msmonsy Posted Jun 5, 2000
just lucky i guess Don hehe!!...hhhmmm, sporky and Don together?? i am not sure i like that picture LOL!!
*While the clowns away...*
ClownMCP Posted Jun 5, 2000
I think you should be glad, Monsy. After all, the COMPLETELY USELESSS destruction of my interior and the theft of my property can now be seen as the point where two great minds of this planet started working together, thus ensuring everlasting peace and joyfulness for everyone. Yippie.
P.S. Sporky, I put all my other usefull stuff outside on the driveway so take a peek and grab anything you like. You've got about fifteen minutes before the dustcart comes along and my colleagues take it.
* ClownMCP throws what used to be his house a sad look and heads for the airport, carrying a backpack with only the most neccesary supplies (four sixpacks and cigarettes)." I wil move to my beach house in Thailand, where there's an import ban on silly strings." he thinks. *
*While the clowns away...*
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Jun 5, 2000
... ... ...~grin~
*While the clowns away...*
msmonsy Posted Jun 5, 2000
*runs after ClownMCP reaching for his shirt-tail*
plllleeeaaassseee don't go away ...we were only having a little harmless fun, kind of a welcome party
come on back, we will be nice...i promise *crosses fingers behind her back and gives her best puppy dog look*
we will even clean the place up for you real good...make it look as if nothing ever happened here
*While the clowns away...*
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Jun 6, 2000
Hey MCP, give me a call when you arrive. I'll probably come over. As long as you have a garage and a stereo, I'm pretty sure we can a lot of fun in Thailand
~tackles monsy, so that ClownMCP can get away safe~
*While the clowns away...*
Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) Posted Jun 6, 2000
No way, lady. You're not going anywhere. MCP deserves a peaceful and quiet life, and I'm not going to let you interfere with that.
Run MCP, run like the wind. Let the Clown's smile be preserved forever
*While the clowns away...*
msmonsy Posted Jun 8, 2000
*finally sees that she is getting nowhere fast and stops fighting*
ok, you can let me go now Kheldar, i will behave...i promise
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*While the clowns away...*
- 81: shazzPRME (Jun 2, 2000)
- 82: msmonsy (Jun 2, 2000)
- 83: shazzPRME (Jun 2, 2000)
- 84: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Jun 2, 2000)
- 85: Don Vito (Jun 2, 2000)
- 86: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Jun 3, 2000)
- 87: shazzPRME (Jun 3, 2000)
- 88: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Jun 3, 2000)
- 89: shazzPRME (Jun 3, 2000)
- 90: msmonsy (Jun 3, 2000)
- 91: Researcher 99947 (Jun 4, 2000)
- 92: Don Vito (Jun 4, 2000)
- 93: msmonsy (Jun 5, 2000)
- 94: ClownMCP (Jun 5, 2000)
- 95: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Jun 5, 2000)
- 96: msmonsy (Jun 5, 2000)
- 97: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Jun 6, 2000)
- 98: msmonsy (Jun 6, 2000)
- 99: Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media) (Jun 6, 2000)
- 100: msmonsy (Jun 8, 2000)
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