A Conversation for Freemasons

misplaced humour

Post 1


Anyone who has read the history of Freemasonry would not be so flippant about it. Oh, I'm sorry, make that "anyone who has read the history of Freemasonry and does not find it hysterically amusing would not be so flippant about it".

We make fun of the Irish, but that seems to be expected of us. Kiwis make fun of Australians and Americans make fun of everybody. That is par for the course. But so many people just accept what they hear about Freemasonry and don't give it any serious consideration, which is just compounding the problems Freemasonry already has.

This is a topic I'm passionate about, and I can't just sit by while more misconceptions are reinforced.

replaced humour

Post 2


Wait, wait! I want to be more flippant about it, and cause more misconceptions! Not just about Freemasonry, but about Catholocism, Scientology and Hare Krishna. Maybe I'll touch on Judaism too (since that is my own personal form of something-or-other, and I wouldnt want to leave myself out).

What I hope is that we can find a misconception that brings all these forms together, preferably that involves the number 42, just to cause more misconceptions about that number, as well as organized practice of anything.

replaced humour

Post 3


I can't imagine anyone being passionate about Freemasonary. However, being able to laugh about yourself is a wonderful characteristic and may help you to enjoy life more.

Be flippant and enjoy life.

replaced humour

Post 4

Drool Frood the Second

Nothing wrong with them.In fact my father's a Grand Freemason.Whatever that means.
Apart from wearing silly aprons and sashs, also known to roll up their
trouser legs, dress in black suits and black ties.They are also known to mutter to themselves for hours in the lavatory accompanied with a little black or red book.
These guys sound like the Men in Black.Maybe its all a cover up for something far more sinister???????
They also carry funny shaped cases.This could be a cover up for transmitter devices.
I wondered why my dads kept saying call me 'R'

replaced humour

Post 5


I think they just have a bad rep because of the secrecy thing and the fact that so many people in top jobs seem to be Freemasons. It makes people very suspicious.

replaced humour

Post 6

Drool Frood the Second

Well you are right there.Its very much a case of you scracth my back etc.HAving said that the Freemasons do a lot of fund raising and really do look after the Families of Members.
But not all Lodges are high brow.
I know of one which nearly all the members are painters and decorators
and they really know how to have a good time.
I think its a case of fear of the unknown.

replaced humour

Post 7


Very true. The same fear of the unknown can lead to much more severe forms of predjudice though. Didn't the Freemason show one of their ceremonies on the tv with the Duke of Kent in an effort to dispel some of the myths?

I'm female so I guess I'll never know but aren't Freemasons actually quite religious?

And I hope they never allow women to join. I think you can take the equality thing too far if you ask me. I think it is good for men and women to have separate clubs/ activities occaisionally.

replaced humour

Post 8

Drool Frood the Second

To be a freemason you have to believe in a supreme being.
Also there are lady Freemason lodges but they tend to be frowned on by the men.
I think its a bit like grown up boy scouts!
they have to act out lots of historical passages.I don't know what these are but I know it involves a black and white chequer board and
swords.Members have different ranks too.

replaced humour

Post 9


I understand that there is a lot of regalia too and that there are whole shops devoted to selling the stuff.

I wonder what makes the Freemasons so popular? I mean if you ask me they sound just a tad strange. I guess the beer must be really good.smiley - smiley

replaced humour

Post 10


There are loads of web sites around on Freemasonry. If you are interested, many highlighting the regalia etc won by Freemasons.

Many Lodges have Open Days when you can meet the officers of the Lodge and get a guided tour.You can find your local Masonic Hall by looking in the phone book.

The fellowship is what it's about ... although in our Lodge the beer is good too !

If you have any questions I'll try and answer them.

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