A Conversation for Female Guiness Book Of Records

Thanks for a good grin!

Post 1

Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police

It might be non-PC and extremely male chauvinist, but your "Female Guinness Book of Records" had me in stitches on a dull Friday afternoon at the office!
smiley - biggrin Have a virtual smiley - ale from me, or drop in at the Campsite A370487 during the HooToo Pub Crawl . . . smiley - cheerssmiley - blackcat

Thanks for a good grin!

Post 2


how freaky is this? it's friday afternoon, i am in the office, it is dull and exactly i year and 6 days since the last person posted.

that entry is cracking, i loved itsmiley - cheers


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