A Conversation for HEAVEN SENT - H2G2 Dating Agency...

The Front Desk - (Sign up today !!!)

Post 1

Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

* A greasy old man lurches out towards the front counter. You notice that his remaining strands of hair are swept over his cranium disguising nothing, the medallion he wears resembles a car wheel cover and his 11 o’clock shadow really needs the services of a hedge-trimmer to make any real headway. Which is quite a relief really, or otherwise you would be confronted with the bulbous warts which ‘landscape’ his face. His one shot at being a respectable businessman comes in the form of a suit, a Yellow & Maroon Suit, the kind of suit most people would be offended to be buried in, no matter wear around... *

* He leers forward to you... *

If you like to fill out the form, with the same particulars as above. We must also have your full payment up-front... smiley - winkeye

* He leans over drooling, as you complete the form... *

Who knows, I might even keep you just for my little old self... HEE,HEE,HEE,HEE,HEE !!!!

smiley - bigeyes

The Front Desk - (Sign up today !!!)

Post 2


Scary or what? Arghhhh!

The Front Desk - (Sign up today !!!)

Post 3


I'd like to sign up.

I'm male, 19, blonde, mildy psychotic, blue eyes, cannabilistic, certified insane and with a TSOF. (twisted sense of humour)

My hobbies include H2G2, rock climbing, torturing small animals, and collecting circular things.

The Front Desk - (Sign up today !!!)

Post 4

Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

* the greasy old man writes down the details... *

Cor Blimey ! It might take a little bit of 'creativity' to work around your 'alternative' lifestyle, but luckily the girlies just go for young blond guys...!!!

* Looks with keen interest as the deposit is handed over... *

Well, that makes all the difference.

* Fingers the telephone book for the numbers of the better local asylums... *

We will phone when we have something...er, I mean someone just right for you...!!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - bigeyes

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