This is the Message Centre for benjaminpmoore

In the pipeline

Post 1


Even by my own standards, I am writing bloody quickly today. I have... 19 minutes to go and this is the day my wife has decided to start asking me what I am doing. I explained that I was in a bit of a rush because I had a deadline and it seemed fine because she was off to bed anyway. Ususally it's not a big problem because she's crawled into bed long since so I have only myself to blame for idling the time away when I should have been getting my journal done. Today I still have mainly myself to blame but two minutes of it is my wife's fault. Excuse me while I calculate how much to blame that makes me...

23 Hours x 60 = 2080 (I think) plus 39 equals 2119 minutes I failed to use. I was asleep for some of those minutes. I slept late this morning as usual because I go to bed late when I am off work and have no particular reason to get up in the morning. I also crawled back into bed later in the day to sleep of a nasty headache which was making me feel sick and dizzy. Otherwise, there was a certain amount of frittering. I went to the shops in my road twice and put the bins out, that accounts for maybe 10 minutes total. I spent maybe 30 seconds sending a work e-mail and another minute and half reading post. Then we watched television... no wait,I worked on the u-bend. Yes, I unscrewed all the pipes under the sink in the kitchen and reassambled them so that the leak I was searching for became more pronouned than it had been in the first place. Then I took it all apart again, by which time there was a broad improvement. That took bloody ages.

That's why I'm late today.

In the pipeline

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

In the pipeline

Post 3


And I'm late reading it. Cos I missed the new posts in the day's thread.

Oh well.

Deb smiley - cheerup

In the pipeline

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

(smiley - strawberry)

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