A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Conversations on h2g2

A new HooToo site theme song.

Post 1

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I wonder how long this will last!

smiley - whistle

'We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site.'

'And our friends are all aboard,
Every Researcher has been secured.
The data base has been picked clean,
and invited to join the team.'

'We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site.'
A new hootoo site.

'All the threads are coming too,
And the entries,
Brunel and Goo.
Alabaster's coming too.'

'We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site.'

'All the features are on board,
Nothing's been ignored,
Writing threads and the Post too,
Now it's up to you to let it grew!!!' smiley - yikes

'We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site.'

'We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
We're all moving to a new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site,
A new hootoo site.'

smiley - whistle

*With apologies to The Beatles, and I hope they will see the fun side of it.*
To the tune of 'We all live in a tub of margarine'.


smiley - musicalnote

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