A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Conversations on h2g2

A heartfelt Thank You.

Post 1

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Thank you.

Thank you!

How often do I say 'Thank you' daily? Weekly?

At any time?

Not as often as I should.

So I am taking this opportunity to say: Thank You.

For being on H2G2.

For interacting.

For being my friend.

For Posting.

For writing entries.

For attending Meets.

For Just being you.

When was the last time I said 'Thank You.'?

Some of you, I have known for a number of years, in RL, and VL, but probably never said thank you! For being a friend.

For listening.

For reading my diatribes, and being kind by not shooting me down in flames.

Life is complicated for all of us, I know, but I want to say:

I have realised that my interweb friends are really, REALLY special. Please don't change. I love you all! And you all mean a great deal to me, and I wouldn't swap you for one single penny of my overdrafts!!! :-x

Stay true to your friends, trust your beliefs, but most of all, be yourself!!!

I love you all!! Whatever your perceived faults!


smiley - musicalnote

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