A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Conversations on h2g2


Post 1


I am retired and have been for at least 5 years. Are you all the same as me?


Post 2


Hmm... Signs up, asks strange question in strange place and immediately unsubscribes from it. Odd. smiley - erm

No, I'm fairly certain that's not the same as me.


Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"I have some years before I am that tired smiley - biggrin.

< <./>Welcome</.> > to HooToo, where you will find a cross section of the population, not any particular age or social state smiley - dontpanic. "

Hi Retirement

Post 4


Age is nothing really. If a person inside feel green himself he will be young for forever.I know people who are retired but still a full of life,humorous and very nice. On the other hand i have friends like my age at early thirty,they are lost. They lost the interest of their life. They haven't taken any initiative so take themselve out from their miserable situation. So, to me age is not a factor to enjoy ourselves in this beautiful planet. I will be very sorry if i caused you feel anything bad. I am just trying to practice some English.

Hi Retirement

Post 5


Hi mrmisry,
where are you from? Don't be sorry for your english,it is better than mine smiley - biggrin
what level of english do you need to learn? There are many sites on the BBC i can help in some links from a friend if you want,just reply to this post ok?

smiley - peacedove


Post 6


It's funny, but if I'd been asked a couple of years ago about retiring, I'd have said that I couldn't contemplate it - now I am full of envy of you and counting the last few years to my own. Are you enjoying it? I do hope so.


Post 7


the best advice i was given before i retired was,A.don't leave it too long before you do,and, B.discuss with all concerned(family)your intentions at least 10 years before you intend to do it.
i took early retirement 8 years ago,it's a great life.

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