This is the Message Centre for SatyrMoonDancer

Merry Meet!

Post 1


Its great to meet a fellow witch smiley - ok and thanks for the comment on my entry smiley - cheers

Have you been with h2g2 long? cant say ive seen you around.

Merry Meet!

Post 2


so sorry the silly servers seem to have posted my message twice! smiley - doh

Merry Meet!

Post 3



Sorry for not replying -- for 5 bloody weeks -- didn't realize I had a message waiting for me!

I've been on h2g2 for about three months, I think -- just to browse, really. I haven't posted any articles.

If you want to visit a place I DO frequent, try my MySpace page:

good to meet you -- sort of, and much too late...


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