This is the Message Centre for GregorPuellen
Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
Cyzaki Started conversation Mar 10, 2006
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Cyzaki and I'm an <./>ACE</.> here, which means it's my job to welcome you to h2g2 and make sure you feel at home I'm going to tell you a little bit about h2g2, but if you have any questions feel free to hit 'reply' and ask me whatever you like.
The first place you might want to visit is the <./>Welcome</.> Page or the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.>. You also might want to have a quick look at the <./>HouseRules</.> just to make sure you don't break any by accident.
If you want to make your Personal Space a little more interesting, head on over to A690518 which will show you lots of tricks for spicing it up.
For making conversations more interesting you can use smileys like or
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I think that's enough from me for now, I'll leave you to have a little explore - you can read entries other people have written (PeerReview is a good place for this), write your own (you might like to check out Writing-Guidelines first), or just have a chat with other researchers in a forum like <./>MiscChat</.>.
Don't forget to yell if you have any questions!
Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
GregorPuellen Posted Mar 12, 2006
Hello Cyzaki!
Thank you for your message but I have still some questions.
My problem is the english. I have to reade every sentence twice to understand all. So that´s why I don´t finde my way through h2g2.
I have some physical ideas. I would like to write an entry and talk with some one else about them.
What must I do bring my thoughts on this side and from where came the name h2g2?
Thanke you very much
Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
Cyzaki Posted Mar 12, 2006
Hi Gregor!
Don't worry about not being English, or finding some things difficult to understand - many people here have English as a second or third language, and everyone is willing to help if you have any problems
If you want to make an entry, you can click on the button at the bottom of your personal space that says 'click here to add a new guide entry'. Then you can put it in PeerReview if it's a work of fact (and nobody else has written about it yet), or in Writing-Alternative if it's a work of fiction.
Or you could just start a conversation somewhere like <./>MiscChat</.>.
The name h2g2 came from the Douglas Adams book 'The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy' - you see there are 2 h's and 2 g's in that name, so they called the site h2g2.
Hope that helps, just let me know if there is still something that isn't clear.
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Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."