A Conversation for Where in the World?

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 1

Quadrapop on h2g2

Well, make that 17 as there are two more here.

I'm also intrigued as to in which states the Australian researchers live. Australia is as big as continental North America. Come to think of it I'd like to see in which states those 64 citizens of the USofA reside too!


Only 15 Aussies?

Post 2


Put me down as the 18th Australian smiley - smiley I live southern Sydney, New South Wales, Quadrapop.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 3

Quadrapop on h2g2

Hi Snaf

I also found out that a friend who lives in Sydney is also on h2g2. However he rarely gets time to log on... poor thing is always on aeroplanes. This week he's in Singapore and then in Rome... working for big multinational computing companies does that you I suppose. The executive lifestyle sucks, huh? His h2g2 site is: http://www.h2g2.com/U114782

Browsed your home site. Cool bird!


Only 15 Aussies?

Post 4


I'm jumping in as number 19. I'll take a guess at being the only person from south-west Sydney.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 5


I rarely log on too, however this is more due to forgetfulness than anything smiley - smiley

I was about to thank you for calling me a cool bird until I realised you're probably talking about my pet cockatiel Eddie, *big grin*


Only 15 Aussies?

Post 6

Quadrapop on h2g2

Well.... I may have meant you! smiley - winkeye

My husband is in Sydney as I type - he flew out this morning.

Go to his site at H2G2 : Crisp'n'Crunchy - on the Guide : A342488http://www.h2g2.com/U129852 for an idea of what he is like.

Love K

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 7


Count me in as 20th (or 42nd if I have my way.)

Finally someone that lives in Queensland has made their presence known. Can't beat Maroochydore (Sunshine Coast, QLD) for best place to live.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 8

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

I don't know about that, Melbourne's not half bad either smiley - smiley. I do like holidaying in Mon Repos, near Bundaberg though smiley - smiley

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 9

Bran the Explorer

Add two more ... from the Deep Deep South. Myself and Walter of Colne. Both in Hobart.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 10


Hi Shaggis.. Perhaps now that you've made your presence known, you might like to establish your presence by putting something (anything -- even a plaintext 'hi' will do smiley - bigeyes) on your homepage so the rest of us can drop in and say hi properly. smiley - winkeye


Only 15 Aussies?

Post 11


I think the 15 needs to be revived or rather reviewed somewhat, Id like to count myself in as number 22 (or whatever we're up to here) and im sure there are more of us..
Anyone interested in an aussie meet up?
'what fun, tab' i hear you all saying

Everyone feeling nice and patriotic at the moment?
Aussie Aussie Aussie.....

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 12

Bran the Explorer

Did you see that 4x200 metre mens freestyle swimming final last night, Tab?? What a great race!!! Came over all warm and fuzzy.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 13


Fantastic!!! Gotta love Thorpie's smile, hes such a little cutie!!
Klim didn't seem quite as excited as he was after the 4 x 100 though I wonder why that was?
And what about Susie's gold in the 200 free...
Aussie, aussie, aussie...

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 14

Bran the Explorer

Good question about Klim ... maybe the fact that they were so far ahead (!!!!), he had calmed down a little by the end of the race. The first relay was an awful lot closer. Apparently, the guitar-playing thing that they did after the first relay was cos the Americans said that they would smash the Aussies in the relays like guitars. Yar boo sucks to them!!!

Wait for tonight, Tab, and the women's butterfly final - Susie or Petrea (sp?)??? Either way - Aussie GOLD!!!


Only 15 Aussies?

Post 15


Again all I can say is

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.......


Only 15 Aussies?

Post 16

Bran the Explorer

Well, given the inaccuracy of my last prediction, Tab, what about one for tomorrow. The pool. The 1500 m free. The Perkinater! All Gold!!!
We'll see.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 17


1,2 in the 1500, cant beat that, although I did think it would be the other way 'round with hackets form over the rest of the meet. I was glad to see him win, but it would have been nice for perkins to wn his last race too...
What about Freeman!!! , and the water polo girls, and the hockey girls...I tell you, you just cant beat being an aussie right now can you!!

ps sorry it took me so long to get cak to you, ive been interstate, avoiding study for the weekend...

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 18

Bran the Explorer

Excellent! And the beach-volleyball pair! Are we hot or wot?!

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 19

Bran the Explorer

Excellent! And the beach-volleyball pair! Are we hot or wot?!
P.S. Hope you had a great weekend away
P.P.S. I would have picked Perkins first and Hacket second as well. Still, 1 and 2 as you say.

Only 15 Aussies?

Post 20


Fantastic weekend, but it's always hard to get back into it all after a weekend off, especially an extra-long weekend - Thursday night to Tuesday morning....
not to worry, not too much to do this week anyway..
have we won any gold today? I haven't been paying any attention???
what about that poor little romainian chick who's going to be striped of her medal because of a sudafed tablet - poor kid, I thik that's a bit rough, especially when there aren't any aussies to take it from her!!!!


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