This is the Message Centre for sezzy_boy

Welcome and yuck!

Post 1

Omicron - Master of Hyperspace and Chanter of arcane superstring equations

Well in accordance with your wishes, I'm hear to tell you that this is the crappiest page I've seen so far(no offence, hopefully!)Anyway, I'm Omicron, one of the Aces(Assistant Community Editors) and I'm here to welcome you to the Guide.
Check out my page at
Check out the Aces homepage at
Check out the Newcomers Welcome page at

As for myself, I shall manifest myself in the form of an egocentric, pseudogodlike being, ready to answer any of your queries. If I can't help you, one of my fellow pseudodeities(read Aces) will help.

That's all for now, Ciao!


Welcome and yuck!

Post 2


I like the way you keep rearranging the furniture...

Welcome and yuck!

Post 3


*boom boom*

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