A Conversation for Excuses

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Post 1

PhysicsMan (11 - 3 + 29 + 5 = 42)

For forgotten math homework:

"I was almost done, then I tried to square root -1, now my homework only exists in my imagination."
"It was just too complex for me." (see above)
"I tried to reciprocate, but then everything I had ever done in my life came back to me."

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Post 2


Lovely math excuse! Here're a few all-purpose ones:

"I was out last night celebrating (insert name/relative)'s (insert occasion), so I got home late thus didn't have time to do my homework"
"My dog was choking on a fish bone; I had to take it to the vet's"

I have a huge repertoire, so if anybody needs-just ask ^__~


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