This is the Message Centre for towel

Children - funny creatures

Post 1


Children, dear readers, are funny creatures, capable of doing the most stupid things that even chimpanzees wouldn't dream of. Now i teach the little darlings and have some experiance of the things children try to do. At the moment i am just finishing marking my Yr11's GCSE Technology coursework. For the unitiated GCSE Design Technology requires coursework that is worth 60% of their final grade. A LOT of hours go in to it and you get to know the children very well! So why then do they try to lie to you through their folder work? I'll give you an example. One pupil wrote about glueing Pinewood boards together to create a wider board. Quite sensible really as the school only stocks pinewood 140mm wide, silly really most pupils want to use wood that is wider, still if we had wood 300+mm in width there would still be pupils wanting even wider boards! Anyway having read through this pupils folderwork this morning i read that he found out about glueing boards together from a book. Yes you may be thinking, he could have. The only problem being that it was i that told him, and even showed him what to do! This despite the fact that he knew i would be marking his work. In case you're wondering the book he mentioned doesn't mention anything about pinewood boards!

Children - funny creatures

Post 2

njan (afh)

*shocked*... a technology teacher.. I thought that all of the teachers in the world went ino suspended animation at the end of each school day (with possible dispensations for marking, coffee, and school trips).. I never realised he existedotside of the chool gates, let alone had the internet, or even stretched to bein members of h2g2. i'm most astounded. But anyway... let me introduce myself...

I'm Njan, an ACE(Assistant Community Editor).. and my job is to greet people new to h2g2. I would have said HI under your userpage, but THERE ISN'T ONE (hint, hint)... anyway. You can guess what occupation I follow from my cynicism regarding teachers.... anyway. Have fun!

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Remember... keep your towel handy at all times. smiley - winkeye

- Njan, ACE. Psychoanalyst. Stepladders repaired.

Children - funny creatures

Post 3

Dancing Ermine

Personally I'd guess Njan was a teacher too smiley - winkeye

Though student may be more likely.

Hello, I'm not an ACE, just a random visitor being friendly. smiley - smiley

Children - funny creatures

Post 4


Het Towel - Welcome to h2g2 - If you see Shazz on you way round - have a word with her - she is a teacher too.

Try writing something on your home - edit in the goo on the left of your page - even if it is just 'Hi'
then others can post to your page.
vegimansmiley - smiley

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