A Conversation for Mama Peta’s Wine List

Wine Requests

Post 1


Post your special request here. If it is a regular favourite we will add it to our list so it is available any time smiley - smiley

Wine Requests

Post 2


Personally I've always been partial to Pinot Grigio, but it is one that needs to be very cold. May I suggest one of those nice plastic ice jackets that you keep in the freezer.

Wine Requests

Post 3


Agreed, A really cold Pinot Grigio goes down sooo well.
Better in an Ice Bucket however, more social. You get to see the label too!
Also how about a sparkling wine (ie champage, but you can't call it that if it is Italian. if you can't get Italian, try the Spanish
Codorniu(sp?), better than some so called Champagnes.

Wine Requests

Post 4


One Pinot Grigio added along with a Sparkling Italian smiley - smiley.

Wine Requests

Post 5


Nice!smiley - winkeye

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