Mama Peta’s Wine List

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This is a list of our regularly stocked wines. If you don't see what you want please ask. Our barman will be only too happy to rush down to our extensive cellars and blow the dust off that special bottle.

  • Barbera D’Asti – House Red. Dry, calm and full-bodied Red from the Piedmonte region.
  • Chianti Classico - A bright ruby red wine with an intensely vinous aroma that is distinctive and marked by scents of violets. A balanced, dry wine.
  • CastelGiocondo Brunello – This wine has superb depth of colour with a full, fruity aroma heralding a wonderfully smooth palate and long, lingering finish. It was aged for 3 years in oak and six months in bottle before release.
  • Montepulciano d'Abruzzo - This wine is produced from Montepulciano grapes. It has a very deep red colour and it is dry and slightly tannic on the palate. Suitable for drinking throughout the meal.
  • Marchese Lodovico - Full-bodied, ripe, tannic, toasty oak.
  • Piazzano "Rio Camerata" Chianti - Irresistible, with ripe, juicy cherry fruit and a touch of earth and savory herbs.
  • Bianco2
  • Salviano Orvieto – House White This well-balanced dry white comes from an ancient vineyard region around the picturesque city of Orvieto. Full-flavoured with a good balance of fruit and acidity. It would be ideal both as an aperitif or with light pasta dishes.
  • Colli Piacentini Malvasia - This dry white wine is produced from Malvasia grapes (85%) and other grapes from the province of Piacenza and its alcohol content is 10.5 per cent. It is recommended as an aperitif and/or to accompany antipasti , fish dishes and salame.
  • Feudi de San Gregorio - Nutty/orangey, juicy, medium-bodied.
  • Ca'Bolani Friuli Aquileia Pinot Grigio - Delicate and subtle bouquet with hints of almond and peaches on the palate. Dry and clean.
  • Tokaj - Pronounced "tow-KAI", ending like "I" or "eye". This Hungarian wine has been described as the ultimate dessert wine, dense and rich. Also a superb aperitif.
  • Spumante3
  • Contea - Vino Spumante Brut (dry) 1997 12% Verdicchio.
    A sparkling wine with a light, fruity, fresh taste.
  • 1 Red 2White3Sparkling

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