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Take the needle

Post 1


Yesterday i had a very bad experience. I had to have a filling. I went in to the dentist. Layed down on the chair. The light shining into my eyes. They said do you want an injection to numb your mouth. I said no thanks . Not knowing what they actually do to you. Then the drill came out. Oh my god came to mind. As they drilled the pain got worse at one point my whole body moved. Then she said "oh i think we have done". She checked the hole to realise that it wasn't big enough and went in again. They might as well uesd a pnumatic drill on my jaw. Anyway i have recovered and my whole family think i am mad. My advice to you is take the needle!!

Take the needle

Post 2

The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

You should know by now that if you ever go into hospital or a dentist and they give you the choice of the needle or not just think of shakesperes words (modified of course).
To be in pain or not to be in pain. That, my friend, is the question.
This isn't saying that the needle isn't painfull. It just isn't as painful as having roadwork tools let loose on your tooth. Ok if you do have the needle you will be going round slack jawed for a couple of hours but not as much as the intense pain of having a freash hole in your mouth.

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