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The Phone Box

Post 1

The Apple Master

Today I have been thinking (please add your own joke about this, cos it is obvious). I have been thinking about the human race and how we don't stop to think. If you were to look at a phone box what would you see?
Well most people would answer with "a phone box", and while this is true but when I would say that you would see something truely amazing you would laugh at me. But it is an amazing thing that we all take for granted. Let me take you though it.
First of all you have the shape, which is metal and plastic stuff which is made into the shape of a box by someone. Then theres the door, a simple hinge, but greatly effective! Then the phone, truely amazing. You simply put in a small round metal token which then gives you a limited time to communicate over sometime vast distances! Now that is a great piece of equipment if you ask me, but is so much taken for granted as we have planted them everywhere, and no one seems impressed because there is new stuff been made all the time.
This for me is the perfect example of how the human race does not really care about its achivements. We are powered by greed for more and more, we never stop to think what we have done and how great it is.
As we get more technolgy we destroy the world a bit more and think that we are more then animals and should not follow laws of nature. The world is already overpopulatted, maybe it is just time to stop and think about things, and look at the phone box for inspriation.

The truely amazing thing...

Post 2

Is mise Duncan that you recognised it as a phone box (cogniscience? pattern matching etc.) and were able to convey what you thought about the phone box to other sentient beings (conversation).

Perhaps it is because we routinely do such mind-bendingly fantastic things as this that we aren't too quick to celebrate the little engineering feats?

P.S. Two Grimsby fans on one planet - what are the odds? smiley - smiley.

The truly amazing thing...

Post 3

Wand'rin star

Where does he say he supports Grimsby? He might travel down the A46 and support Lincoln or due West and (horrors) Scunthorpe.
[The Jones boy and I are loosely, if not presently, based in Caistor]

The truly amazing thing...

Post 4

Is mise Duncan

He (excuse the third person, if you're reading this) does say he supports Liverpool _and_ for local interest Grimsby on his home page. Now, I know they didn't have a great season last year (2 teams above the drop zone smiley - sadface ) but they are still by far the best team in that area of the world....I mean, Scunthorpe would be lucky to spell football, let alone play it smiley - smiley.

Incidentally - were we ever in this town? It sounds like its very close to us, but not familiar at all.

The truly amazing thing...

Post 5

Wand'rin star

Re-read the entry. It doesn't even qualify as a village (like many places in Lincs which _are_ called towns (eg Caistor??)

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