This is the Message Centre for Abi

Lost tickets?

Post 1


So I was meant to be writing a journal entry on the Goodwood Festival of Speed today, telling you how great it was to see all those classic cars in action and how I got Stirling Moss's autograph, swooned at Jenson Button, groped Martin Brundle (or should that be the other way round? Ed.) and had my photo taken with Dick Dastardly and Mutley.

But I can't. Why? Because the complementary tickets that a friend kindly got for me, disappeared. They just vanished!

I am very sad. Not even a slap up feed at a local hostelry could cheer me up.


Lost tickets?

Post 2

Suz - *is gone*

Hi, (sorry, I didnt want to clog up the main part of your page with this)

Thankyou for being so welcoming to Hammy and myself @ the meet, I was extremely nervous, but thankyou smiley - smiley We both intend to come to the next one smiley - cool

Oh, your badge was Extremely clever btw smiley - smiley

Thanks again

Lost tickets?

Post 3


Suz, it was really good to meet you and Hammy finally. I hope that the day wasn't too traumatic - I find it takes two days for me to come down from the adrenalin rush of it all. I understand how intimidating it is.

We would love to see you both at the next one - which will probably be in December. I am just sorry, that I did not get more time to have a chat.

smiley - hug

Lost tickets?

Post 4

Suz - *is gone*

Thankyou smiley - smiley

Lost tickets?

Post 5

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Sorry to hear about Goodwood - maybe I can cheer you up? smiley - winkeye

Still on nights, but will be free to party soon smiley - smiley

Lost tickets?

Post 6


Yay! smiley - wow

It has been too long my friend! Way too long.

Lost tickets?

Post 7

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Too bloody right! Might be around toward the end of the week, if not it'll be mid-late August, trying to sort out a bbq before the nights draw in too closely as well. Will let you know...

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